Hash Tables¶
Hash Tables are arbitrary value-indexed collections of references to
values. The only value you cannot use as a key is #n
;; use the default equivalence and hashing functions
h1 := make-hash #n #n 2
printf "h1 has %d keys: %s\n" (hash-size h1) h1
hash-set! h1 'a "apple"
;; access it again
printf "%s is for %s\n" 'a (hash-ref h1 'a)
;; the dot operator is more convenient but slightly slower
printf "%s is for %s\n" 'a h1.'a
;; similarly for setting entries
h1.'b = "banana"
;; the key is evaluated so key becomes the symbol c
key := 'c
h1.key = "carrot"
printf "h1 has %d keys: %s\n" (hash-size h1) (hash-keys h1)
;; hash-keys returns a list so it is easy to iterate with
for k in (hash-keys h1) {
printf "%s is for %s\n" k h1.k
;; hash-walk is another form of iterator
define (walker k v) {
printf "%s maps to %s\n" k v
hash-walk h1 walker
;; static construction (using key/value pairs) does not allow
;; evaluation of elements so just "self-evaluating" constants,
;; numbers and strings.
h2 := #{ ('c & (hash-ref h1 'c)) }
printf "h2 is %d elements: %s\n" (hash-size h2) h2
$ idio simple-hash-tables
h1 has 0 keys: #{ }
a is for apple
a is for apple
h1 has 3 keys: (a c b)
a is for apple
c is for carrot
b is for banana
a maps to apple
c maps to carrot
b maps to banana
h2 is 1 elements: #{ ('c & (hash-ref h1 'c))}
The order in which keys are accessed is not well-defined.
Last built at 2025-01-19T07:11:10Z+0000 from 77077af (dev) for Idio 0.3