
Arrays are integer-indexed collections of references to values. You can only access existing indices and you can only grow or shrink an array by amending the start or end of the array.

The index can be negative to access elements from the end of the array. Of course you can’t access a negative index that would be generate a true negative index (ie. one whose absolute value is greater than the array’s length).

;; elements default to #f
a1 := make-array 2
printf "a1 is %d elements: %s\n" (array-length a1) a1

array-set! a1 0 "friends"

;; the dot operator is more convenient but slightly slower
a1.1 = "romans"

;; extend the array with push
array-push! a1 "countrymen"

;; extend the array with unshift
array-unshift! a1 "Ahem!"

printf "a1 is %d elements: %s\n" (array-length a1) a1

;; Sack the speech writer!
array-shift! a1
printf "a1 is %d elements: %s\n" (array-length a1) a1

;; general access of elements
printf "a1.1 is %s\n" a1.1

;; negative index, here the last element
printf "a1.-1 is %s\n" a1.-1

;; static construction does not allow evaluation of elements
a2 := #[ a1.1 ]
printf "a2 is %d elements: %s\n" (array-length a2) a2

a3 := #[ "romanes" "eunt" "domus" ]
printf "a3 is %d elements: %s\n" (array-length a3) a3

;; you can use evaluated elements with array
a4 := array a3.0 a3.1 a3.2
printf "a4 is %d elements: %s\n" (array-length a4) a4
$ idio simple-arrays
a1 is 2 elements: #[ #f #f ]
a1 is 4 elements: #[ "Ahem!" "friends" "romans" "countrymen" ]
a1 is 3 elements: #[ "friends" "romans" "countrymen" ]
a1.1 is romans
a1.-1 is countrymen
a2 is 3 elements: #[ a1 . 1 ]
a3 is 3 elements: #[ "romanes" "eunt" "domus" ]
a4 is 3 elements: #[ "romanes" "eunt" "domus" ]

Last built at 2025-02-18T07:11:09Z+0000 from 77077af (dev) for Idio 0.3