Cascading alternate conditions using if
becomes a bit clumsy for
which there is a powerful solution, cond
extends the syntax by allowing the use of (condition
tuples and accepts a final clause where the
is the keyword else
The result of a cond expression is that of the last expression
evaluated or #<void>
if no clauses match.
As these are usually going to be on multiple lines for readability the whole expression is normally wrapped in parentheses:
(cond1 conseq1)
(cond2 conseq2)
(cond3 conseq3)
(else conseq4))
¶define (foo a) {
((a gt 0) {
printf "a is positive\n"
((a lt 0) {
printf "a is negative\n"
(else {
printf "a is zero\n"
foo 10
foo -10
foo 0
$ idio simple-cond
a is positive
a is negative
a is zero
An advanced use in cond
is the =>
form where the tuple becomes
(condition => f)
where f
is a function that
accepts one argument.
Here, the condition
is evaluated and if the result is “true”
then f
is invoked with the result.
It is a form of anaphoric if expression roughly equivalent to:
tmp := condition if tmp { f tmp }
¶ht := #{ }
ht.'a = "apple"
ht.'b = "banana"
define (foo k) {
;; hash-ref takes an optional "default" argument to return if the
;; key doesn't exist (otherwise it raises a condition)
;; If k does exist in ht then the function will be called with
;; whatever hash-ref returns. If k doesn't exist in ht then
;; hash-ref returns #f and we try the next clause.
((hash-ref ht k #f) => (function (v) {
printf "%s is %s\n" k v
(else {
printf "%s is unknown\n" k
foo 'b
foo 24
$ idio cond
b is banana
24 is unknown
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