Reader Operations¶
In the old days they were called “reader macros” as they transform the program structure that was being read in.
You used to get (maybe in Common Lisp rather than Scheme) little tricks like:
#+feature form
Such that form
would only be included from the input stream
if feature
was true. #-
was the inverse.
There’s a wall of Common Lisp reader macros here.
The #+
functionality is reworked into the cond-expand
from SRFI-0.
One thing to recognise is that the reader macro is, in essence, in functional position, ie. we read it in first, before the actual expression it was about to “transform.”
The reader macros left in Scheme are basically a form of
shorthand for lazy programmers (woo!). The canonical reader macro
is quote, '
is transformed by the reader into
(quote thing)
such that the evaluator is now getting a normalised form.
Similarly, the other quasi-quoting characters are used in the same way:
Slightly differently, the escape character is used to suppress the reader macro behaviour:
In Idio we don’t have the Scheme quasi-quoting
character, `
, itself. We’ve replaced `thing
with #T{ thing }
That doesn’t help us much with infix (and postfix) operators which is something we want for pipelines and arithmetic.
Also, I don’t want to have to write these in C – a total pain.
We need something akin to the templates model used by the evaluator. We need something to define an implementation of an operator and to tag it in the reader such that when the reader has read in a complete line-oriented expression it can scan along looking for operators and apply their implementation to the expression.
So, we want to define an operator, +
, that can transform the
expression 1 + 2
into + 1 2
where the symbol +
functional position will be evaluated into the arithmetic addition
primitive (hopefully).
But before we dive in we need to think a little bit more carefully.
this | that | the-other or something-else
where there are different operators in the same expression. or
less tightly binding than |
so you sense the first transform would
be into:
(or (this | that | the-other) something-else)
which implies there is a priority or ordering associated with each operator.
Having performed the first, the second transformation would give us:
(or (| this that the-other) something-else)
That’s fairly easy. Although we’ve already taken two ideas on board:
there’s a precedence between operators
recursion is required to apply transformations on the sub-expressions the first transformation generated
It’s more complicated with some operators like arithmetic ones which
are binary, ie. take two arguments – at least in their infix
operator form. +
, the function, takes any number of arguments.
In an effort to speed things up a tiny amount, the infix arithmetic
operators call binary-op
rather than op
x + y
is easily transformed into (+ x y)
leading to the semantically questionable f x + y
becoming f (+ x y)
. Is that what we expect?
What about x + y + z
? Ideally that would become
(+ x y z)
but in practice we’re likely to have a
left-associative formulation like (+ x y) + z
(+ (+ x y) z)
The left-association helps us with x + y - z
becomes (- (+ x y) z)
Having defined the operator, +
, say, I don’t then want to repeat
the implementation for the essentially identical -
operator. I
could do with some means to re-use the implementation of +
The obvious thing to do is use the symbol +
instead of an
implementation suggesting to the operator management code that it
looks up the implementation of the operator +
and uses that.
Pretty straightforward except that a +
anywhere in the line
(except in functional position) is the operator +
and the reader
will head of to do its thing. *Bah!* The trick is, of course, to
escape the symbol, as in \+
or '+
to avert the reader’s gaze.
This doesn’t always scan well as running a command with no environment:
env '- ...
shows. Without the quote you’ll probably get a complaint that the
symbol env
is not a number.
Operator Definition¶
The definition of an operator could be simpler – perhaps it needs a revisit.
define-infix-operator name pri body
where name
is the symbol for the operator, +
, and
etc., pri
is the operator’s relative priority (higher
numbers are considered/processed first) and body
is the
operator’s implementation’s body (or an escaped name
of a
previously defined operator to re-use the same implementation).
The body
is the body of a function that will have been
defined as:
function (op before after) body
You can see the evaluator construct this function in
in src/evaluate.c
IDIO def_args = IDIO_LIST3 (idio_S_op, idio_S_before, idio_S_after);
IDIO fe = IDIO_LIST4 (idio_S_function,
where we construct a function fe
for the body e
(“e” for the
expression being processed, currently the operator body) using the
formal parameters: the symbols, op
, before
and after
, knowing the C naming convention, will be
the symbol for X
The constructed function, fe
, will now be thrown at the evaluator
to figure out its meaning.
In other words the symbols op
, before
and after
(must?) be used in body
As the reader, via idio_operator_expand()
, scans the expression
read in it will identify any operators (highest priority first, left
to right) and invoke the implementation with the particular operator
it found (in case the implementation’s body is re-used), the part of
the expression it found before the operator and the part of the
expression it found after the operator.
Binary Operators¶
For a putative arithmetic +
operator, given the expression
(x + y)
, then the operator’s implementation will invoked
body + (x) (y)
which looks easy enough to rework into (+ x y)
However, we could have written (foo x + y bar)
in which
case we’d see the operator’s implementation invoked as:
body + (foo x) (y bar)
and we need to be a bit more careful to get (foo (+ x y)
It might make more sense to reject such an expression as it is easy to misinterpret. Perhaps the operators which are known binary operators should call foul if the number of argument in the before/after lists are not equal to one. That would force the previous statement to be re-written as
(foo (x + y) bar)
which at least clarifies the user’s intent.It isn’t always that easy, though, as it depends on what the ordering of operators is. As it happens, the
operator is processed before+
so the expressiona.i + b
(adding to an element of an array, say) where the.
is a word separator, ie.a . i + b
, which might have been seen by the+
operator with thebefore
value being(a . i)
, a list of three elements, which would fail the single element before test.As it happens,
is processed first so that for+
value is((value-index a i))
which is a list of one element (which itself is a list of three elements).
Logical Operators¶
The logical operators, and
and or
– rather than C’s
and ||
, take single expressions and combine into a single
operation on adjacent like-operators.
This means that 1 and 2 and 3 or 4 and 5
becomes, first, (and 1
2 3) or 4 and 5
then (or (and 1 2 3) 4) and 5))
then, finally,
(and (or (and 1 2 3) 4) 5)
Which doesn’t look like the idealised (or (and 1 2 3) (and 4 5))
but I think is functionally correct. Probably.
Arbitrary Word List Operators¶
There are operators that do take argument lists of arbitrary length,
is an example, defined in lib/job-control.idio
, the operator, also performs the functionality you would expect
of a |
, the function. I’m not sure why I wrote it that way.
Perhaps, because I could.
Assignment Operators¶
Assignment operators are slightly different to the other in that they are implemented in C as they are so convenient for all Idio code right from the off.
They differ slightly in that, having determined the entity to be assigned to, the right hand size is explicitly operator-expanded.
Standard Operators¶
Idio defines some operators by default.
From lib/standard-operators.idio
Infix arithmetic operators: +
, -
, *
and /
Infix logical operators: and
and or
Infix array operators: =+
for array-push! and
for array-unshift!. For a mnemonic,
think of the +
before after or before the =
Postfix array operators: =-
for array-pop! and
for array-shift!.
Infix value-index
operator, .
which will transform
for some indexable value s
(value-index s i)
The value-index
operator is fraught with problems as .
appear in numbers, 3.14
, symbols, ...
, (used in syntax
expansion) and pathnames, ./bin
Numbers and symbols can be handled as we don’t allow numbers without a
leading digit and we specifically check for a following .
Pathnames are more interesting. In general we would have pathnames
managed distinctly as, say, strings, ls "./bin"
however, in the
case of command names, that would feel wrong: "./bin/cmd"
– and we can’t execute strings. In this case, we’ll
specifically look for a following /
and presume it is a word
beginning ./
and not an indexing operation.
If you really wanted to index something by a symbol beginning with
then add some whitespace:
Idio> ht := (make-hash)
#{ }
Idio> ht . /bin = 3
Idio> ht
#{ (/bin & 3)}
From lib/job-control.idio
Infix operator |
for pipelines.
Infix operators >
, <
and 2>
which will redirect stdin,
stdout or stderr to
a handle (file or string)
osh := (open-output-string) ls -l > osh str := get-output-string osh
For that particular example, you feel that:
ls -l > str
should be enough. Not yet, though.
a file (using a string as the file name)
ls -l > "/dev/null"
.ls -l > #n
Infix operators >&
, <&
and 2>&
which will
dup(2) stdin, stdout or stderr into the provided
handle (file or string) or dup2(2) into the provided
C int
(an IDIO
type) or fixnum file
(You will often get a C_int
type returned from a libc
Operator Functions¶
infix-operator? o
test if
is an infix operator
postfix-operator? o
test if
is a postfix operator
operator? o
test if
is an operator
infix-operator-expand e
postfix-operator-expand e
operator-expand e
expand expression
for infix/postfix/all operatorsYou may need to quote the expression:
Idio> infix-operator-expand '(1 + 2 - 3 + 4) (+ (- (+ 1 2) 3) 4)
display the current infix/postfix operator tables
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