The Evaluator

The evaluator’s role is to infer some meaning from the reader-supplied lists of lists.

Evaluation is a slight misnomer. The evaluator has a hidden task which confuses and exasperates in equal measure. If a template is identified then the template is expanded and the result is (re-)evaluated. This is problematic because Idio code is going to be run during evaluation. Ducks in a row, people, ducks in a row.

You get used to it! -ish!

If this was an interpreter then as soon as the evaluator has decided that something is, say, a function call then it can immediately invoke the function value with the argument values (having evaluated everything).

Idio, following in the style of LiSP ([Que94]) instead generates code for the virtual machine and then asks the virtual machine to run it.

Ostensibly, that doesn’t sound terribly different but we’re advancing two causes in this approach:

  1. we’ve stopped using variable names (mostly) – although that’s possible for a interpreter too. See LiSP for the details of a fast interpreter.

  2. we’re generating lean and mean byte code

    Sort of. Generating byte code at all is a huge leap forward in terms of processing speed.

There are further opportunities in and around the evaluator as well, primarily in the form of optimisation.

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