I had to look this up.
Traditionally, Schemes support the notion of a fixed length vector of values and arrays of multiple dimensions (quite possibly implemented using vectors).
To throw fuel on the fire of potential confusion, C++ Standard Template
Library was looking for a name to distinguish his new “vector” type
from the builtin arrays so, noting that both Scheme and
Common Lisp used “vector” for a similar type, chose, uh,
(read more here).
He has subsequently admitted it is a mistake because his “vector” has nothing to do with a Mathematical vector which is a fixed length ordered sequence of values in a Set.
So, not only a naming issue but is potentially compounded by by users coming from different backgrounds where overloaded names mean something else.
In Idio I wanted “arrays” (whatever they are but I’ll know one when I see one) and in particular I wanted them to be dynamic in size so I could use them for stacks for the VM (which presume a single dimension – wait, multi-dimensional stacks…). As a stack they will have to take on any old value and, as I had no pressing need, all arrays are one dimensional.
I fancy that if we want multi-dimensional arrays then we should be calling them matrices. I suppose then, a single dimensional matrix is equivalent to an array and a zero dimensional matrix is a (scalar) value.
I read about Lua’s sparse arrays which seemed like a neat trick though I couldn’t see any particular immediate use for them. They are implemented, of course, as part regular array, being yea big *waves hands*, and part hash table.
What is interesting about that idea, going back to our shell arrays, or, rather, Bash arrays, which are slightly magical themselves or, numerically idiosyncratic, depending on your view, is that they support gaps. In the first instance we can remove entries and the missing entries sort-of disappear:
# create an array of three elements and remove the middle one
% a=( 1 2 3 )
% unset a[1]
# what's in our array now?
% echo ${a[*]}
1 3
% echo ${#a[*]}
# specifically:
% echo ${a[1]}
% echo ${a[2]}
Operations on the array as a whole – notably reporting the number of elements in the array – indicate the reduced number yet the deleted element is “still there.”
That counting result is slightly perverse. I could understand that an enumeration of an array with deleted elements might result in a shortened list:
r=( "${a[@]}" )
Giving me a true, two element list in r
. But that the count of
the elements in a
is short. That’s weird. We know the last
indexable element is 2 (starting from 0) but the array length is 2.
I wonder if that’s why the ${!name[*]}
form of parameter
expansion – to return the keys of the array – was created?
Another, related, trick is that I can add another non-contiguous element and the same whole-array view is maintained. The missing elements are ignored for whole-array operations:
% a[4]=4
% echo ${#a[*]}
% echo ${a[3]}
This got me thinking. I use arrays quite a lot in the shell – it is the only data structure, after all – and I have twirled and twisted using the same “missing math” tricks which I know work, because I’ve being doing it for years, but does anyone else know? Is it behaviour that a regular programming person is going to grok?
I don’t think so.
That second variation has another, more pernicious possibility.
% a[1234567890]=1
% $echo ${!a[*]}
0 2 4 1234567890
Bash is happy, obviously, with that but it nominally requires that we create a 1010 element array because our arrays are, naïvely, actual contiguous blocks of memory.
Does that lead us back towards the Lua (and, evidently, Bash) sense of sparse arrays? I don’t want to go there. It looks like it’s solving a problem I’m not sure exists in regular programming fare. One that a user can solve themselves in Idio-land with a structure of stuff.
However, I think we can allow the growth of arrays by pushing an
element on the end (like a stack) and I’ve allowed for the
Perl-ish unshift
to push an element on the front of an
array. But I don’t like the arbitrary index mechanism.
And not a mathematical vector.
I suppose, in that sense, Idio arrays function much like a mildly extended Scheme vector, a vector+.
How big an array?
C99 suggests that sizes should be size_t
so we could create an
array with SIZE_MAX
elements. Even on non-segmented
architectures, such a memory allocation will almost certainly fail
but, sticking to principles, someone might want to create a
just-over-half-of-memory, 2**(n-1) + 1
, element array. (If
only to annoy the developers.)
The reason it will fail is that every Idio array element is a pointer,
ie 4 or 8 bytes, therefore we can’t physically allocate nor address
either 2**32 * 4
bytes or 2**64 * 8
bytes just for the
array as those are 4 and 8 times larger than addressable memory. So,
in practice, we’re limited to arrays of length 2**30
– with no room for any other data (including the code
doing the allocating!).
As a real-world example, on an OpenSolaris 4GB/32bit machine:
make-array ((expt 2 29) - 1)
was successful whereas 2**30 - 1
was not.
However, we intend to accommodate negative array indices, eg. the
nominal, array[-i]
, which we take to mean the i
th last index. The means using a signed type for array
indexing even if we won’t ever actually use a[-i]
– as
we’ll convert it into a[size - i]
So, the type we use must be ptrdiff_t
and therefore the largest
positive index is PTRDIFF_MAX
. We’ll call it a “idio array index
type” or idio_ai_t
typedef ptrdiff_t idio_ai_t;
struct idio_array_s {
struct idio_s *grey;
idio_ai_t asize;
idio_ai_t usize;
struct idio_s *dv;
struct idio_s* *ae;
typedef struct idio_array_s idio_array_t;
#define IDIO_ARRAY_GREY(A) ((A)->u.array->grey)
#define IDIO_ARRAY_ASIZE(A) ((A)->u.array->asize)
#define IDIO_ARRAY_USIZE(A) ((A)->u.array->usize)
#define IDIO_ARRAY_DV(A) ((A)->u.array->dv)
#define IDIO_ARRAY_AE(A,i) ((A)->u.array->ae[i])
#define IDIO_ARRAY_FLAGS(A) ((A)->tflags)
where we have:
being the allocated sizeusize
being the used size, or user-visible size – technically the index of the last “in-use” index plus onedv
is the default valueae
are the array elements
The default value is used to reset an element when the index is “deleted.” Clearly, it isn’t really deleted so this is the effective action.
Depending on how an array is created it will have an allocated size but the initial used size can vary. If the array is created from C then it will most likely have an initial used size of zero. The only way to add elements is to push (or unshift) them onto the array.
If the array is created from Idio primitives then the used size will match the allocation size (which may be the number of arguments passed).
If the array is grown, by push or unshift, then at some point the used size will reach the allocated size. At this point the array will be doubled in size.
A useful reader format for static arrays uses the tradition square brackets syntax common to many programming languages.
#[ ... ]
Arrays will use the #[ ... ]
reader format.
- function array? value¶
is value an array
- function array [args]¶
construct an array from the arguments args
The initial used size will be the length of args.
- function make-array size [default]¶
construct an array of size elements setting each to the default value default if supplied otherwise
- function copy-array array [depth [extra]]¶
return a copy array of array
depth can be the symbol:
meaning each element in the new array is simply a reference to the element in the original arraydeep
meaning that each element in the new array is a (recursive) copy of the element in the original array
extra indicates by how many more elements the array’s allocation should be grown – presumably in preparation for some impending use. This avoids the risk of the new array doubling in size if the growth is known in advance. The initial in-use size will be the same size as the original array array.
- function array-fill! array fill¶
set every currently in-use element of array array to fill
- function array-length array¶
return the number of in-use elements of array array
Technically this returns the index of the highest in-use element plus one.
- function array-ref array index¶
return the value at index index of array array
index must be an integer and within the bounds of the used elements of the array.
index can be negative in which case the calculated index is array-length + index.
- function array-set! array index value¶
set the value at index index of array array to value
index must be an integer and within the bounds of the used elements of the array.
index can be negative in which case the calculated index is array-length + index.
- function array-push! array value¶
add value value onto the end of array array
This is a means to grow the size of the array.
- function array-pop! array¶
return the value value at the end of array array and decrease the size of the array by one.
This is a means to shrink the in-use size of the array. An array’s allocated size is not current reduced.
- function array-unshift! array value¶
add value value onto the start of array array – all the other values are shifted up by one index.
This is a means to grow the size of the array.
- function array-shift! array¶
return the value value at the start of array array and decrease the size of the array by one.
This is a means to shrink the in-use size of the array. An array’s allocated size is not current reduced.
- function array->list array¶
return the elements of array array as a list.
See also list->array.
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