Evaluating Functions

Function Calls

Function definitions are called function abstractions (in the Schemely way) and function calls are called function applications – we’re applying the function to some arguments.

Function calls are the far most interesting because there’s a combinatorial explosion of possibilities. (Just kidding. There’s not that many!) The main culprits are:

  • “closed” or regular applications

    A closed application is one where the expression in function position is not a symbol (variable name) but an expression where we’re creating the function “on the fly”:

    (function (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2

    will return 3.

    Clearly that was a pointless example but you may recall the discussion around let which transformed every let statement into an “on the fly” function call. The very sort of thing we’re now calling a closed application of a function.

    In other words, every time you use := in a block you automatically transform the rest of the block into the body of a closed function.

  • some arguments or no arguments

A function abstraction (definition) cares about whether the formal parameter list of the function is a proper list, (a b), or an improper list, (a & b), implying varargs. We have to worry about improper lists for a closed application too (as it contains an anonymous function definition).

In general we’re calling the main function application with the function expression and the argument expressions: idio_meaning_application (src, eh, et, ...).

Primitive Functions

In the first instance, we can look at the expression in functional position and if it is a symbol then we can look it up.

If that lookup tells us it is a predefined function (ie. a primitive) then we can do a quick argument check and assuming we’re OK call idio_meaning_primitive_application(). In this function we can look to use some specialised opcodes.

The idea here, is that we can avoid the general function call invocation procedure – which means creating an argument frame and then in the general function invocation code pulling the arguments off again – and instead simply evaluate the arguments, pushing them on the stack in the normal fashion, then pop them off the stack and call the (primitive) function directly.

This doesn’t work for varargs (despite the code currently wasting time trying to do so) and you need this function and the VM to be in sync as to which primitives get the special treatment.

If the primitive doesn’t get the special treatment then it falls back into a regular function call.

Regular Function Calls

Regular function calls are reasonably straightforward. We call idio_meaning_regular_application (src, fe, aes, ...) with the function expression and argument expressions again.

Careful, though, a regular function call could still have an actual function call in functional position. This isn’t the case of a closed function call – where the expression is defining a function abstraction – but just a regular function call. Imagine that you stashed away a bunch of functions in a lookup table and you’re accessing them now with a function call, ((hash-ref my-funcs key) arg1 arg2).

It’s often a symbol, though, so we just (de-)reference it.

So there’s a quick check to establish the right way to figure out the value in functional position:

IDIO fm;
if (idio_isa_symbol (fe)) {
    fm = idio_meaning_function_reference (fe, fe, nametree, flags, cs, cm);
} else {
    fm = idio_meaning (fe, fe, nametree, IDIO_MEANING_NOT_TAILP (flags), cs, cm);

The expression in functional position isn’t in tail position, of course.

Then we need to walk down the list of arguments figuring out the meaning of each one in turn:

IDIO ams = idio_meaning_arguments (aes, aes, nametree, idio_list_length (aes), ams_flags, cs, cm);

(The ams_flags (argument-meaning flags) are “not in tailp.”)

idio_meaning_arguments() is just going to recurse down the argument list in an obvious fashion. However, it does do it in a very Schemely way.

As it walks down the list it calculates the meaning for the current head of the list and figures out the current slot in the future frame of arguments.

Before it issues it’s “store” instruction it recurses on the rest of the arguments.

That’s fine until it reaches zero arguments left at which point it generates a frame allocation instruction, ALLOCATE-FRAME, with the original length of the argument list.

Now, as the argument list recursion unwinds, we’ll have seen the frame allocation, then a (reversed) sequence of expression meanings and then store in a slot instructions.

The argument meanings is now a nested list of instructions which the code generator knows to walk into in order that it emit the final opcodes from the inside out.

Each “meaning” argument-instruction list is the tuple:


  • the meaning of this arg

  • slot #

  • the meaning of the remaining args

from which the code generator will:

  • generate the code for this arg (leaving the result in the val register)

  • PUSH-VALUE the val register onto the stack

  • recurse into the other args which will repeat the above until

  • we get the ALLOCATE-FRAME instruction, leaving the frame in the val register.

Then, as the recursion unwinds, we use the slot argument to POP-VALUE a value off the stack and into a slot in the frame. This means that the arguments are evaluated left to right (even if they’re slotted into the frame, right to left).

Finally, we actually get to use the “tailp” flag we’ve been carefully avoiding all this time:

if (IDIO_MEANING_IS_TAILP (flags)) {
    return IDIO_LIST4 (IDIO_I_TR_REGULAR_CALL, src, fm, ams);
} else {
    return IDIO_LIST4 (IDIO_I_REGULAR_CALL, src, fm, ams);

where TR is “tail-recursive.”

Notice we pass in src which is placed in the expr register after the arguments are evaluated and just before invoking the function.

Closed Function Calls

Closed function calls are complicated by us requiring to evaluate the function abstraction as well as the immediate function application (exactly as above).

idio_meaning_closed_application() runs through the list of formal parameters of the function definition and checks that the list of arguments matches. Obviously, we handle a varargs situation.

Depending on the varargs situation we’ll be handling a (Scheme-ishly named) “fix(ed arguments) closed application” or a “dotted (ie. varargs) closed application”.

Fixed Closed Applications

If you recall our example:

(function (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2

The function expression, fe, is (function (a b) (+ a b)) and the list of argument expressions, aes, is (1 2). From that we can trivially extract:

ph fe


a symbol

pt fe

((a b) (+ a b))

pht fe

(a b)

formal parameters

ptt fe

((+ a b))

the body – a list of one expression

idio_meaning_fix_closed_application() is passed: fe, the formal parameters, the body and the arguments.

The first thing we do is rewrite or normalise the body. If you recall the let discussion where let is rewritten into a closed function then we’re looking to do that here.

A couple of other rewrites occur including handling (potentially) mutually recursive functions defined inside a block:

  define (odd? n) ...
  define (even? n) ...
  ...rest of block...

which we can rewrite into letrec definitions with the rest of the block as the body of the letrec:

  (letrec ((odd? (function (n) ...))
           (even? (function (n) ...))) {
    ...rest of block...

Next we do a neat trick. We extend the existing name tree with the list of formal parameters and then process the body (as an implied sequence) with the extended name tree.

We return a slightly different instruction for the code generator. Rather than one of the two function call variants we use a FIX-LET or TR-FIX-LET instruction (“tailp” is still applicable).

The difference is in the way the function part is invoked. For a regular function we prepared a frame of arguments then “jumped” into the (prepared elsewhere) function body, expecting the function body to return.

For a closed application, we’ve only just evaluated the function body, there’s nowhere to jump to!

Instead, we prepare a frame of arguments in the usual way then simply run the body of the function. The body of the function will access the formal parameters (in the frame we just prepared) and lexical variables further out in the usual way because we extended the name tree before evaluating the body.

Dotted Closed Applications

For a varargs closed function, say:

(function (a & b) (+ a (ph b))) 1 2 3

where we would expect b to have the value (2 3), everything proceeds in much the same way as for the fixed closed application until we get to the varargs parameter.

To recap from the fixed closed application we issued a STORE-ARGUMENT instruction which produces the following sequence of byte code:

  • evaluated the argument (leaving it in the val register) then

  • PUSH-VALUE the val register onto the stack

  • recursed for the other arguments

  • when there are no arguments left we create a frame and put it in val

  • POP-VALUE the value off into the nth slot

We’ll repeat the STORE-ARGUMENT instruction for the fixed formal parameters. For the parameters after that we’ll issue a LIST-ARGUMENT together with the slot for the varargs variable.

This time we’ll evaluate all the arguments in order as before except when we see the LIST-ARGUMENT instruction we’ll create a pair from the value we pop off the stack and the value currently in the varargs slot (which defaulted to #n). In this way we’ll build a list from the arguments we pop of the stack. They appear on the stack in the reverse of the order they were evaluated meaning that as we pop them off pushing them onto the head of a list we (eventually) end up with a list of the varargs arguments in the right order in the varargs slot.

Of course, we’ll then pop the fixed formal parameters off the stack and into their slots in the frame and everything has just worked.

Last built at 2025-03-12T07:10:51Z+0000 from 463152b (dev)