Printing Values

All Idio values can be printed although not all have a valid reader input form. Those without valid reader forms are subject to change. The output generally takes the form #<TYPE ...>.

If you are unsure, use %s (“as a string”) as a generic catch-all format specifier. This “as a string” is used as default behaviour for unexpected format specifiers (and which may result in a warning). See below.

There is a subtle distinction between a value being printed – commonly at the REPL as generally suitable to be read back in – and being displayed as general output of the program.

This only affects unicode and string types where any escaping is removed and full UTF-8 encoding is used when displayed.


Very deep data structures are truncated.


Fixnums support the usual integer formats %[Xbdox] where %b is a binary format.

Any other format specifier is treated as %d.


Bignums have limited printing support.

Integer bignums are printed as, effectively, %d.

Floating point bignums are printed as one of:

  • %s a normalized form

  • %e or %f in the style of printf(3)

Any other format specifier is treated as %e.

The output may be preceded by #i (or #e) indicating the underlying bignum is inexact (or exact).


In general, unicode is printed as #U+HHHH although if the code point is below 128 and satisfies isgraph(3) it will be printed as #\c.

If unicode is being displayed Idio generates the UTF-8 encoding for the value.


Strings are printed double-quoted and with the usual C escape sequences escaped: a newline will be represented by \n, for example. Otherwise Unicode code points are encoded as UTF-8.

String are displayed unquoted and with all Unicode code points UTF-8 encoded.


Symbols are displayed as just their name, without a leading '.

This creates some anomalies.


Pairs are printed as expected.

If the list represents a template any original change to interpolation characters is lost and standard Idio symbols are used.


Arrays are printed in the nominal reader form: #[ ... ].

If the array is less than 40 elements long it is printed in full.


If it is more than 40 elements long then the first 20 and the last 20 are printed with in ellipsis and missing index marker displayed.

Hash Tables

Hash tables are printed in the nominal reader form: #{ ... }.


Bitsets are printed in the nominal reader form: #B{ ... }.

C Types

C types are printed as:

  • %c for char

  • %d for signed integral types

    Any other format specifier is treated as %d.

    Any format specifier other than %s may elicit a warning.

  • %[Xboux] for unsigned integral types including the %b binary format

    Any other format specifier is treated as %u.

    Any other format specifier other than %s may elicit a warning.

  • %[efg] for floating point types

    Any other format specifier is treated as %g.

    Any other format specifier other than %s may elicit a warning.

C/pointer types have the option to be printed by a bespoke printer. See add-as-string.

Struct Instances

Struct instances have the option to be printed by a bespoke printer. See add-as-string.

Printing Functions

The printing functions revolve around %format which takes a printf(3)-style format string and constructs a formatted string from the arguments.

function printf fmt [args]

Invoke the hprintf function on the current output handle with fmt and args

Param fmt:

the format string for printf

Type fmt:


Param args:

any args for the format string

Type args:

list, optional



function eprintf fmt [args]

Invoke the hprintf function on the current error handle with fmt and args

Param fmt:

the format string for printf

Type fmt:


Param args:

any args for the format string

Type args:

list, optional



function sprintf fmt [args]

Invoke the hprintf function on an output string handle with fmt and args and return the resultant string

Param fmt:

the format string for printf

Type fmt:


Param args:

any args for the format string

Type args:

list, optional



function hprintf handle fmt [args]

Invoke the display function on handle with the result of applying format to fmt and args.

Param handle:

the handle to load from

Type handle:


Param fmt:

the format string for printf

Type fmt:


Param args:

any args for the format string

Type args:

list, optional



function format fmt [args]

Call %format:

%format 'args fmt args

function %format type fmt [args]

Return a string from the format string fmt expanded by any escape sequences.

If type is 'args then a % character in the format string starts an escape sequence which has the general form %[flags][width][.prec]K where K is a printf(3)-ish conversion specifier character with arguments in args.

If K is an @ character then the list argument is spliced into the string converting all elements of the list to string form separated by a U+0022 (SPACE) character.

If type is 'keyed then a % character in the format string starts an escape sequence which has the general form %[flags][width][.prec]K where K is a single Unicode code point (satisfying Alphabetic?) which is expected to be a key in the optional hash table – unless it is another % character. The value associated with the key will be printed according to the specification.

In both cases if K is a % character then a % is printed according to the specification

If type is 'timeformat then it works similarly to 'keyed except we avoid a double application of any precision. TIMEFORMAT describes a %f-like precision to the struct-timeval strings.

The flags are:



code point


left align the output within width


use #\{space} as the left padding character

U+0020 (SPACE)


use #\0 (zero) as the left padding character


The default padding character is #\{space}

See also

printing values for some type-specific conversion specifiers.

function display o [handle]

display o to handle

Param o:


Param handle:

handle to write to, defaults to the current output handle

Type handle:

handle, optional



function display* [x*]

display #\{space} -separated x* to the current output handle

Param x*:

values to print



function edisplay x

display x to the current error handle

Param x*:

values to print



function edisplay* [x*]

display #\{space} -separated x* to the current error handle

Param x*:

values to print



function newline [handle]

write a UTF-8 encoded U+000A character to handle

Param handle:

handle to write to, defaults to the current output handle

Type handle:

handle, optional



function display-string o

convert o to a display string

Param o:

object to convert


a string representation of o

function add-as-string o f

Associate a printer function f with o.

f will be invoked with the value to be printed and #n.

The second argument can be used for any subsequent purpose but might normally be used to maintain a set of previously seen values to handle circular data structures.

This is currently only used for:

  • struct instances where a struct type was associated with a printer. When we come to print a struct instance we check to see if a printer exists for its type.

  • C/pointer types where an IDIO_C_STRUCT_IDENT has been set up and assigned to the C/pointer

Last built at 2025-03-12T07:10:36Z+0000 from 62cca4c (dev) for Idio 0.3.b.6