Bitset Type¶
Bitsets are arrays of bits.
They were originally introduced to provide testable state for SRFI-14 char-sets: “is this code point Lowercase?”
Reader Form¶
The reader form for bitsets is
#B{ size [bits ...] }
indicates the absolute size of the bitset with indexing
starting at 0. Referencing a bit beyond this range is an error.
All bits are initially cleared.
defines the bits that are initially set (or clear) with
a sequence of 1s and 0s in blocks of up to 8 bits. The first 0 or 1
sets the first bit, the second 0 or 1 the second bit etc.. The next
block of eight bits starts at the ninth bit and continues.
Setting the nth bit in a large bitset should not involve
explicitly indicating that all the previous bits were 0 so
can take the form offset:bits
is a hexadecimal number and is a multiple of 8.
Intervening blocks are skipped. Subsequent bits
with the next block.
Whole blocks of bits can be set with the form first-last
where first
and last
are hexadecimal numbers (and
multiples of 8) representing the first block of all 1s through to the
last block inclusive. To set a single block use
By way of example:
#B{ 32 001 }
is much like hexadecimal 0x0004#B{ 32 8:1 }
is much like hexadecimal 0x0100#B{ 32 1 10-18 }
is much like hexadecimal 0xFF01#B{ 32 01 10-10 00000001 }
is much like hexadecimal 0x8F02#B{ 65536 30-30 11000000 01111110 60:01111110 }
is the bitset of Unicode’s ASCII_Hex_Digit Property in Plane 0, this it, bits 0x30-0x39, 0x41-0x46 and 0x61-0x66.try typing
at the Idio prompt to see a richer example
Bitset Predicates¶
- function bitset? o¶
test if o is an bitset
- Param o:
object to test
- Return:
if o is an bitset,#f
Bitset Constructors¶
- function make-bitset size¶
create an bitset with a size of size
- Param size:
initial bitset size
- Type size:
- Rtype:
Bitset Attributes¶
- function bitset-size bs¶
return the size of bitset bs
- Rtype:
- function bitset-set! bs bit¶
set bit bit in bitset bs
- Param bs:
- Type bs:
- Param bit:
- Type bit:
unicode or integer
- Return:
- function bitset-clear! bs bit¶
clear bit bit in bitset bs
- Param bs:
- Type bs:
- Param bit:
- Type bit:
unicode or integer
- Return:
- function bitset-ref bs bit¶
get bit bit in bitset bs
- Param bs:
- Type bs:
- Param bit:
- Type bit:
unicode or integer
- Rtype:
Bitset Functions¶
- function copy-bitset bs¶
copy the bitset
- Param args:
bitset to be copied
- Type args:
- Rtype:
- function merge-bitset [bs ...]¶
merge the bitsets
- Param args:
bitsets to be merged
- Type args:
- Rtype:
bitset or
if no bitsets supplied
- function and-bitset [bs ...]¶
logical AND the bitsets
- Param args:
bitsets to be operated on
- Type args:
- Rtype:
bitset or
if no bitsets supplied
- function ior-bitset [bs ...]¶
logical Inclusive OR the bitsets
- Param args:
bitsets to be operated on
- Type args:
- Rtype:
bitset or
if no bitsets supplied
- function xor-bitset [bs ...]¶
logical eXclusive OR the bitsets
- Param args:
bitsets to be operated on
- Type args:
- Rtype:
bitset or
if no bitsets supplied
- function not-bitset bs¶
logical complement of the bitset
- Param args:
bitset to be operated on
- Type args:
- Rtype:
- function subtract-bitset [bs ...]¶
subtract the bitsets
- Param args:
bitsets to be operated on
- Type args:
- Rtype:
bitset or
if no bitsets supplied
- function equal-bitset? [bs ...]¶
are the bitsets equal
- Param args:
bitsets to be operated on
- Type args:
- Rtype:
bitset or
if no bitsets supplied
- function bitset-for-each-set bs f¶
invoke f on each bit in bitset bs that is set
- Param bs:
bitset to be operated on
- Type bs:
- Param f:
function to invoke on each set bit
- Type f:
function of 1 arg
- Rtype:
The argument to f will be the index of the bit
- function fold-bitset bs f v¶
invoke f on each bit in bitset bs that is set accumulating the result in v
- Param bs:
bitset to be operated on
- Type bs:
- Param f:
function to invoke on each set bit
- Type f:
function of 2 args
- Param v:
accumulated value
- Type v:
- Return:
the accumulated value
- Rtype:
For each set bit, the arguments to f will be the index of the bit and v and v is subsequently set to the result of f.
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