The Virtual Machine¶
Idio is implemented through a stack-based register-based
virtual machine that uses abstracted opcodes suited to the high level
nature of the language. We’re not quite at the level of MOV
and RET
from a real-world hardware computer’s assembly
language but the transformation from Idio’s high-level forms
may feel like it.
The Idio virtual machine is of our own invention (by which I mean it is clearly and obviously derived from LiSP [Que94]). It is not targeting the JVM or any other pre-existing virtual machine. If we did then I’m not sure we’d learn anything about virtual machines and it creates another dependency when installing Idio on a clean machine.
So long as we can totter along well enough, I think we’re good to go. We can always want to go faster and more efficiently. There will always be some who actively want to target some other virtual machine or even have the whole engine translated into C, say, and compiled directly.
If you follow through LiSP there are two clear and dramatic steps forward:
we stop looking variables up
we transform the high-level language for byte compilation
Clearly the second is at hand. The first is, arguably, more dramatic.
Last built at 2025-03-12T07:10:56Z+0000 from 463152b (dev)