From time to time it’s useful to know what the VM is up to. Short of going full-on C debugging with gdb we can get some static and dynamic views, some disassembly and some performance data.
What values are being held by the VM?
idio-thread-state dumps out all there is to know about the current VM thread.
the thread’s registers
a decoded stack
a tree of frames
(in debug builds) a view of the frame linkages
a list of trap handlers (should be visible in the stack listing)
a list of default condition handlers (if any)
a list of dynamic variables (if any)
a list of dynamically allocated environment variables (if any)
This will not include top-level environment variables.
a list of ABORTs (should be visible in the stack listing)
the exit handler
For example, defining a function which calls idio-thread-state
mid-processing and then calling that function:
Idio> define (foo x y) {
z := x + 1
#<CLOS foo @165575/0x2/Idio>
Idio> foo 99 "red balloons"
vm-debug: vm-thread-state THR 0x7f9fcf416d10
src="*stdin*:line 3"
expr=(idio-thread-state) "*stdin*:line 3"
func=#<PRIM idio-thread-state>
env=#<MOD Idio>
frame=#<FRAME 0x7f9fcda3ac90 n=2/4 [ 99 "red balloons" #n 100 5318]>
in=#<H ofr!iF 0:"*stdin*":7:76>
out=#<H ofw!iF 1:"*stdout*":2:29>
err=#<H ofw!iF 2:"*stderr*":1:28>
mod=#<MOD Idio>
vm-decode-thread: thr=0x7f9fcf416d10 sp= 37 pc=165609
vm-decode-stack: stk=0x7f9fcf416d90 sp= 37
37 RETURN 165645
35 STATE #n #<MOD Idio>
32 ABORT "ABORT to toplevel (PC 165647)" next abort @26
27 a handle #<H ofr!iF 0:"*stdin*":7:76>
26 ABORT "ABORT to main => exit (probably badly)" next abort @-1
23 TRAP #<PRIM default-SIGCHLD-handler> ^rt-signal-SIGCHLD next t/h @19
19 TRAP #<PRIM default-racse-handler> ^rt-async-command-status-error next t/h @15
15 TRAP #<PRIM default-rcse-handler> ^rt-command-status-error next t/h @11
11 TRAP #<PRIM default-condition-handler> ^condition next t/h @7
7 TRAP #<PRIM restart-condition-handler> ^condition next t/h @3
3 TRAP #<PRIM reset-condition-handler> ^condition next t/h @3
fr # var val
0 0p x = 99
0 1p y = "red balloons"
0 2* - = #n
0 3l z = 100
#p is a parameter
#* is the varargs arg - is the name (if no name given)
#l is a local var
vm-thread-state: frame: 0x7f9fcda3ac90 ( 0x2) 2/ 4 5318 - (x y #f z) - (99 "red balloons")
vm-thread-state: trap: SP 23: #<PRIM default-SIGCHLD-handler> ^rt-signal-SIGCHLD
vm-thread-state: trap: SP 19: #<PRIM default-racse-handler> ^rt-async-command-status-error
vm-thread-state: trap: SP 15: #<PRIM default-rcse-handler> ^rt-command-status-error
vm-thread-state: trap: SP 11: #<PRIM default-condition-handler> ^condition
vm-thread-state: trap: SP 7: #<PRIM restart-condition-handler> ^condition
vm-thread-state: trap: SP 3: #<PRIM reset-condition-handler> ^condition
vm-thread-state: abort: SP 32 = (#<K 0x7f9fcda3f390 ss=30 PC=165647> "ABORT to toplevel (PC 165647)")
vm-thread-state: abort: SP 26 = (#<K 0x7f9fcf1cfd10 ss=24 PC=2> "ABORT to main => exit (probably badly)")
vm-thread-state: idio_k_exit #<K 0x7f9fcf1cfd10 ss=24 PC=2>
Amongst other things, we can see how z
appears as a fourth “local”
parameter to foo
. The 100
at the end is the value returned
from the function call (ie. z
) being printed out.
%vm-frame-tree is just the frame tree from idio-thread-state, above.
%vm-trap-state is just the trap listing from idio-thread-state, above.
Dynamic Views¶
%%vm-trace depth [file [mode]]
shows the VM in action. You
may find the VM doing more processing than you expect – hence the
ability to write to a file
Using a simple function we can follow the VM up to, say, 5 levels deep:
Idio> define (op f l) {
f l
#<CLOS op @165614/0x2/Idio>
Idio> %%vm-trace 5
Idio> op ph '(1 2 3)
000000000 29240 165688 "*stdin*:line 5" > (op f l) was called as
(op #<PRIM ph> (1 2 3))
000058834 29240 165630 "*stdin*:line 2" >> (ph p) was tail-called as
(#<PRIM ph> (1 2 3))
000047852 29240 165631 << 1
000012963 29240 165689 < 1
The columns are:
a nanosecond time delta
source location
trace depth: calling or returning
call or value being returned
We can be more circumspect and only go 1 level deep:
Idio> %%vm-trace 1
Idio> op ph '(1 2 3)
594986698 29240 165738 "*stdin*:line 7" > (op f l) was called as
(op #<PRIM ph> (1 2 3))
There is a useful disassembler. You might ordinarily see it in action
via the --vm-reports
flag to idio which dumps the
entire byte code to vm-dasm
You can run %%idio-dasm for individual functions:
Idio> define (foo x) {
y := x + 1
#<CLOS foo @165615/0x2/Idio>
Idio> %%idio-dasm foo
idio_vm_dasm: thr 0x7f39e1274a10 pc0 165615 pce 165643
165615 131: ARITY=2?
165616 120: LINK-FRAME sci=1455 (x #f)
165620 80: PUSH-VALUE
165621 143: CONSTANT 1
165622 82: POP-REG1
165623 84: SRC-EXPR 11262 "*stdin*":line 2
(binary-+ x 1)
165627 163: PRIMITIVE/2 1058 binary-+
165630 84: SRC-EXPR 11263 "*stdin*":line 2
(function+ y (binary-+ x 1) (begin y))
165634 124: EXTEND-FRAME 3 sci=5319 (x #f y)
165642 93: RETURN
Here the output has:
the PC
the opcode number
the opcode name and decoding of any arguments
For example:
is associated with the signature string(x #f)
– where the#f
indicates the was no varargs name165630
(to 3) is associated with the signature string(x #f y)
for the additional “local” parametery
s only occur for function calls. The #t
in (if #t
will not generate a SRC-EXPR
whereas the call to the gt
primitive in (if (x gt 0) ...)
Note, though, the SRC-EXPR
occurs after the code for calculating
any arguments, that is, immediately before the function call.
Idio> define (foo x) {
(x + 1) / (x - 1)
#<CLOS foo @159805/0x2/Idio>
Idio> %%idio-dasm foo
idio_vm_dasm: thr 0x7f23c0d9ca10 pc0 159805 pce 159841
159805 131: ARITY=2?
159806 120: LINK-FRAME sci=1455 (x #f)
159810 80: PUSH-VALUE
159811 143: CONSTANT 1
159812 82: POP-REG1
159813 84: SRC-EXPR 9819 "*stdin*":line 2
(binary-+ x 1)
159817 163: PRIMITIVE/2 1058 binary-+
159820 80: PUSH-VALUE
159822 80: PUSH-VALUE
159823 143: CONSTANT 1
159824 82: POP-REG1
159825 84: SRC-EXPR 9820 "*stdin*":line 2
(binary-- x 1)
159829 163: PRIMITIVE/2 1059 binary--
159832 82: POP-REG1
159833 84: SRC-EXPR 9821 "*stdin*":line 2
(binary-/ (binary-+ x 1) (binary-- x 1))
159837 163: PRIMITIVE/2 1061 binary-/
159840 93: RETURN
Performance Data¶
If you run idio with --vm-reports
you’ll get series of
report files from the VM.
.local/bin/idio --vm-reports test
As described above, a disassembly of the entire byte code.
A dump of the VM’s constants table. References to “constant indexes”
(often abbreviated to ci
or mci
or gci
etc.) should be
found in this table.
A dump of the VM’s values table. References to “value indexes” (often
abbreviated to vi
or mvi
or gvi
etc.) should be found in
this table.
A slightly complicated dump of the relationship between the existence
of symbols in modules, whether they are exported and the VM’s value
index they map to. Remember that the symbol x
in my module will
not likely be bound to the same value as the symbol x
in your
This data ought to be in the regular vm-constants
table but,
by and large, it dwarfs the former. Part of the reason for this is
that each parenthesised expression becomes tagged with “source
properties” in order that it can be accurately identified later.
In addition, template expansion causes a large increase in the number of expressions, each of which need to be mapped back to a source expression in case of error.
The source properties aren’t used often – generally only for an error or when writing this report – and so we try to avoid making the VM’s constants table unnecessarily large and worsening memory caching by using a separate table.
Note that the SRC-EXPR
opcodes are only passing around indexes
into this table. The expensive lookup and dereferencing is only done
on demand.
Garbage collector stats.
Only for debug builds.
Here, there are timing wrappers around instructions and function calls. Take the numbers with a pinch of salt.
Some mis-attribution occurs, notably with load
which will
accumulate all the time it takes to run the content of the files
During execution a periodic report on the number of opcodes per millisecond is reported but only if certain conditions have been met (running for long enough, executed enough instructions). You might not see anything for short runs.
On shutdown we get:
a table for the opcodes with per opcode statistics
as the Garbage Collector frees objects, in this case functions, both closures and primitives, we’ll get their statistics which means that there’s no fixed order to the output
For closures we’ll get:
call count
total elapsed call time in seconds.nanoseconds
per call elapsed time in nanoseconds
scaled per call elapsed time (in ns, us, ms as appropriate)
total resource usage time in seconds.microseconds
For primitives we’ll get the same set except PC is replaced by the primitives C function pointer.
bucket stats
Last built at 2025-03-12T07:10:56Z+0000 from 463152b (dev)