We want to be careful, here, in that we’re talking about vtables for values and not (yet!) vtables for multi-methods. However, it’s a stepping stone.
In Release 0.0 we’ve built a functional mechanism for handling values. However, it’s pretty bespoke, as in, there are very few generic functions. Obviously, all predicates are generic in the sense that they’ll say yeah or nay for any supplied value, whatever its type but, by and large, functions are type-specific.
One of the few that you might argue isn’t, is type->string which, unsurprisingly, returns a string describing
the value’s type. It should really be returning a symbol, though,
giving us a putative type->symbol
which you would sensibly
decompose into type
Printing is another generic (set of) function(s) although printing is something of a dog’s dinner which we’ll come back to.
A more interesting pair of cases are Idio structures and
C structs both of which support a notion of being able to get
and/or set named members. As things stand we either call
struct-instance-ref v member
, which is fairly generic, or
some type-specific libc/struct-timeval-ref v member
function, say.
The nominally generic value-index looks at
the type of v
and either calls struct-instance-ref or the type-specific reference function
associated with the C type through the CSI mechanism (which
will check that v
is of the right C type).
In both cases, the setting function is provided through the setter functionality.
For both getters and setters, though, value-index
needs to figure
out the type and do the correct type-specific thing. It would, of
course, be better if value-index
simply asked for the getter
function, whatever the type.
What if the type doesn’t have a getter, for example, if we tried to
a fixnum? Previously we would have raised a
noting that the value is non-indexable.
If a type doesn’t have a getter method associated with it then we
should raise a ^rt-vtable-method-unbound-error
[IP07] paper provides a very readable introduction to vtables for dynamic object models. That’s heading towards the full multi-methods scenario and, indeed, they do that academic thing where go all-in and demonstrate that everything can have a vtable and it is all self-supporting.
’sWe don’t need to go there but we can take away a few interesting things.
In their model, the vtable, mapping names of methods to implementations, doesn’t point to their C implementation directly. Rather they indirect via a “ClosureVT” which associates the actual implementation with some arbitrary data.
That’s very subtle. Now you can re-use the same implementation across
several similar types. You could imagine using the same
printf(3)-style printing function for all of the C
base types but associate with each a different length modifier
, %l
, etc.) with each type. We won’t do that but you can
imagine you could.
Another interesting aspect, and something of interest to us, is that
you might associate the implementation of a closure with the byte code
interpreting function (idio_vm_run1()
) with a small chunk of byte
We’d have to up-end a lot of things to make that work but then we need to think about something along those lines anyway for Pre-Compiled Modules.
Our implementation is reasonably simple.
We’ll have an idio_vtable_t
which has an array of
each mapping a method name, a symbol, to a
method (which has the C
implementation function pointer and the arbitrary data). The
can have a parent which, for most of our types
including C structs, will be NULL
but could be another
and thus we can draw the same relationship between
Idio struct-types as the struct-types have themselves.
struct idio_vtable_s {
unsigned int flags;
struct idio_vtable_s *parent;
int gen; /* generation */
size_t size; /* # entries, ie. methods */
idio_vtable_entry_t **vte; /* array of size methods */
We’ve thrown in another field, gen
for the generation. Any time
we modify any vtable’s methods or parentage then the overall
generation increments. Whenever we look to use a vtable we’ll check
to see if this vtable is out of date in which case we’ll validate our
tree (bringing all tables in this tree of the hierarchy up to date).
In the future, parent
should be a list to accommodate multiple
inheritance. We could have made it an Idio list but then
we have to walk down the hierarchy of vtables in all of our objects in
the GC. We’ll hit GC-oriented problems soon enough!
struct idio_vtable_entry_s {
struct idio_s *name;
unsigned int inherited:1;
unsigned int count:31;
idio_vtable_method_t *method;
Here we have our name-to-method mapping but with a couple of other fields.
Until we recognise we are a generation out of date, we can inherit any parent method locally saving lookup time.
We can also increment a usage counter whenever this method is looked
up. Post-lookup, the code can quietly “bubble-up” the method in the
vtable’s array of idio_vtable_entry_t
’s so that next time the most
looked for methods are found sooner rather than later.
struct idio_vtable_method_s {
struct idio_s *(*func) (struct idio_vtable_method_s *method, struct idio_s *value, ...);
size_t size;
void *data;
Nothing exciting here.
Apart from the arguments to the C method. In the first
instance we need to pass ourselves in order that the implementation
can access data
(and size
is the Idio value we’re operating on and
is obviously a varargs component.
Printing is even worse but I said we’d get back to that.
The problem is that we don’t know what arguments are going to be
necessary for the implementation. You can imagine that the type
method takes no (extra) arguments – and probably has no need of
, either. We know that the value-index
methods are
going to take a member
argument and a set-value-index!`
method (if we defined such a vtable method and there wasn’t a proper
setter) would take member v
Method Creation¶
There are two kinds of method creation, ones that have some (or no) static C data associated with them and ones that have an Idio value associated with them.
For the C variants, size
and data
reflect the
arguments passed. We either copy the supplied data or not.
For the Idio variants we know that an IDIO
value is a
C pointer so we can clearly stuff the value in data
which is another C pointer, but then we have something of a
problem. The GC is not going to be walking down the set of vtable
methods trying to second-guess if the data
value is really an
Idio value and needs to be accounted for.
Here, we’re going to have to take a hit and stash the value into a
hash table of idio_vtable_method_values
so that we can be sure the
value won’t be GC’d from under our feet.
We want a hash table, here, as we don’t know if someone has previously passed us this value and appending the same value repeatedly to an array is wasteful.
Idio values¶
We need to add a vtable to every Idio value. For most of
them that’s easy enough as it’ll just sit inside the struct
and be set at instantiation by the type-specific code:
IDIO idio_closure (...)
IDIO c = idio_gc_get (IDIO_TYPE_CLOSURE);
c->vtable = idio_closure_vtable;
where idio_closure_vtable
was instantiated itself by the closure
initialisation code:
void idio_init_closure ()
idio_closure_vtable = idio_vtable (IDIO_TYPE_CLOSURE);
For fixnums and constants etc. we need to define some global vtables.
These are scattered throughout the code base in files broadly
associated with their usage: idio_fixnum_vtable
, say.
In the same vein, we’ll need an idio_value_vtable()
function to
return either the vtable in the struct idio_s
or one of those
global vtables as appropriate.
Creating vtables¶
The code to create a vtable maintains an array of all created vtables (broadly, one per type) and sets the generation of the new vtable to the current (global) generation counter.
Adding Methods¶
The code for adding a method and inheriting a method only differ by the “inherit” flag so they call the same base code. We can describe the “add” functionality:
add the method name
The method name is an Idio symbol and we need to avoid having the name GC’d from under our feet so we can add it to an array of
.look for this method name in our array of
If we find an existing one we can overwrite it.
if we didn’t overwrite it then we need to add another element to the array of
increment the global generation value so that future method lookups know that something has happened somewhere
If we are inheriting then we don’t need to add the method name or increment the (global) generation count.
Method Lookup¶
Looking up a method isn’t hard:
walk through the array of
for the method nameHere we can increment the lookup counter and if this isn’t in the first slot and has a higher count than the entry in the previous slot then swap them over so we’ll find this more popular method sooner next time.
if we didn’t find the method name and we have a parent then lookup the method in our parent (or list of parents, in the future)
If we get back a method – failure to find a method will eventually raise a condition – then we can call the method inherit code.
vtable Validation¶
At the start of method lookup we’ll want to validate the vtable if the generation count is behind the global counter.
This is a little squirrelly as the side-effect of validation should be to reset the per-vtable generation to the current global value and yet we simultaneously want to know if one of our ancestors had had a generation newer than us (which will invalidate any of our inherited methods).
The overall trick is to remember the current vtable’s generation with the intention of returning it to our caller.
Then we recurse into our parent, if any, and capture the value it returns.
If it returned a generation newer than us then we update the value we will return and invalidate any inherited methods. We do the latter by bubbling any non-inherited methods up over any inherited methods and reducing the array size appropriately.
So, we might think we are only using 3 slots out of a (memory)
allocated 5 slots and hopefully idio_realloc()
won’t get upset
when we ask to increase the array size to 4 and then 5 slots again.
Obviously, we should have a dump-vtable function so we can check what’s going on!
Type Variances¶
Most types are going to follow a fairly benign pattern of not doing very much. They’ll have a vtable with some methods.
Other types are a bit more interesting as we have the concept of a type and an instance of a type.
Regular C/pointers are benign, we’re more interested in those we’ve previously applied a C Structure Identification (CSI) mark to.
In this case, when we create such a “typed” C/pointer we want to create a type-specific vtable for it whose parent is the base C/pointer vtable.
If we look in the supplied CSI data we’ll have:
the struct’s nominal name, say,
, a symbola list of the members of the C struct
(possibly) a -ref function – usually a primitive
Here, we look for, or create, a vtable for this “type” of C/pointer
(in the idio_C_pointer_type_vtables
hash table) which we can point
to from this C/pointer instance of the C/pointer “type”.
Idio structs are a bit more interesting as we want to match the parentage of the struct-type within the vtables.
Of course, that’s incredibly easy as, when we create the struct-type, we can make the vtable’s parent for this struct-type be the vtable of the struct-type’s parent.
For struct-instances it gets a bit more messy. For all other instantiations of a type, think: 37, a fixnum, the underlying type is a C construct. For a struct-instance the underlying type is an Idio struct-type.
Whilst most of the operations on an instance of the struct-type should
be methods defined against the struct-type, think that the
method is associated with the fixnum type and not the 37
per se, we might want to legitimately ask questions about the
struct-type itself.
Printing is the obvious problematic case. If I want to print a
struct-instance it would probably involve some field=value
output, whereas printing a struct-type would want to print just the
fields but also the name of the parent struct-type.
Let’s look at a few methods.
This is our putative type
method but we’ll use a separate name,
typename, while we’re getting a feel for things.
In every possible case we will have a symbol in our hands describing
the name of the type. We need to add all the Idio basic type
names into src/symbol.[ch]
but for “typed” C/pointers and
struct-types we’ll have a type name passed to us.
That means we can use a method with a bit of stored data
, a symbol
for the type’s name and a generic method which simply retrieves the
stored data and returns it.
Let’s have a look at fixnum:
¶ idio_vtable_add_method (idio_fixnum_vtable,
idio_vtable_create_method_value (idio_util_method_typename,
where idio_vtable_add_method()
wants to take a vtable, a method
name and a method. idio_vtable_create_method_value()
will create
a method from the C function pointer and the Idio
type name we want to return as data. There are
methods for other kinds of data.
The method’s C implementation:
¶IDIO idio_util_method_typename (idio_vtable_method_t *m, IDIO v, ...)
if (idio_isa_symbol (data) == 0) {
idio_error_param_value_msg_only ("typename", "method->data", "should be a symbol", IDIO_C_FUNC_LOCATION ());
return idio_S_notreached;
return data;
Here, not only do we ignore the varargs but we don’t even do anything
with v
, the value the method is operating on, as we simply
retrieve the data
from the method definition.
Of course it become trivial to write a primitive that calls that method:
¶IDIO_DEFINE_PRIMITIVE1_DS ("typename", typename, (IDIO o), "o", "\
return the type name of `o` \n\
:param o: object \n\
:return: the type of `o` \n\
idio_vtable_method_t *m = idio_vtable_lookup_method (idio_value_vtable (o), o, idio_S_typename, 1);
return IDIO_VTABLE_METHOD_FUNC (m) (m, o);
All we need to do now is for each type add the same kind of method:
¶ idio_vtable_add_method (idio_closure_vtable,
idio_vtable_create_method_value (idio_util_method_typename,
Identical other than the vtable used and type name supplied. The very differences we are concerned with.
For struct-types and “typed” C/pointers, at the time of creation we’ll
have a struct-type name or the CSI data will have the C
struct name and so we can add the typename
method on the fly as
we’re passing through. The C/pointer vtables are cached by CSI info
so we’re not repeating ourselves.
Finally, let’s see it in action (running ls to get a useful
value in %%last-job
Idio> typename 37
Idio> typename load
Idio> ls -U
LICENSE doc ext lib src utils LICENSE.others Makefile README.md bin tests CONTRIBUTING.md
Idio> typename %%last-job
Idio> typename (libc/gettimeofday)
An interesting side-effect of this is that we won’t ever see
as a type (even though it is a distinct
Idio GC type) as semantically it is no different than asking
for the typename of 37. 37 is an instance of a fixnum and
is an instance of a %idio-job
Similarly, you won’t see struct-type
as a typename as all
struct-types are their own type.
Idio> typename %idio-job
symbol ;; doh! %idio-job is not exported from job-control
Idio> module job-control
job-control> typename %idio-job
This is slightly unexpected compared to r0.0 (for which
type->string will still return
and "struct-type"
) but is more correct as we
head towards an object model.
members should return the list of members of a struct-instance or C/pointer instance.
Given that the data
we want to pass is an Idio list we
could re-use the same C implementation function as
although we should (probably) check for the data type
being a list (of symbols) rather than a symbol.
Otherwise it works the same.
Idio> members %%last-job
(pipeline procs pgid notify-stopped notify-completed raise? raised tcattrs stdin stdout stderr report-timing timing-start timing-end async)
Idio> members (libc/gettimeofday)
(tv_sec tv_usec)
Of course, it doesn’t make sense to ask for the members of something that has none:
Idio> members 37
default-condition-handler:[20075]:libc.idio:line 465:members:^rt-vtable-method-unbound-error:method 'members' is unbound: detail value is a fixnum: name members
value-index, aka. the dot-operator, can now be
reduced to simply looking for the value-index
vtable method
(technically, it checks if the indexer i is a function, first). It
doesn’t need to make a decision based on the Idio
GC-collectable type, it simply looks for the vtable method.
set-value-index! can be tweaked slightly to
look for a setter regardless of type and otherwise look for a
vtable method.
In r0.0, the standard indexable types, array, hash, string, etc.,
actually called the X-set!
function directly and only
C/pointer types looked for a setter – even though setters had been
set for those standard types.
In r0.1, despite changing the algorithm to look for a setter first, I chose to remove the standard setters and make them all vtable methods. So, somewhat inefficiently, a previously sound setter is looked for and not found and then a vtable method is looked for and invoked.
Printing is awkward on two fronts:
strings and unicode have a different presentation depending on whether they’re being printed (in a manner suitable for the reader to use, think:
) or being displayed (in a manner suitable for humans to read, think:foo
)unlike most methods, this functionality wants to be called from the C code base as well as from the Idio code base
That said, the real problem is that we can define printers for things. In r0.0, for struct-instance and C/pointer types.
And I did say that struct-instances were awkward?
Here, the problem is that we might well define a printer for a struct-instance but the struct-type is also (user-)defined and is worthy of being printed out in its own right.
A struct-instance printer might gloss over the administrative details in the struct-type whereas you might want to know that the administrative details exist (and have to ask for them individually as the printer doesn’t print them).
So the definition of a printer for a struct-instance or a struct-type
defines a struct-instance->string
vtable method distinct from the
vtable method which mechanically reports the fields names
and parent type (if any).
We can (reasonably) easily address the display vs print string by
having a ->display-string
vtable method for those entities that
need one and fall back to a ->string
vtable method if one isn’t
found. The displayed and printed representations of fixnums are
identical, for example, so there’s no need to have separate functions
to do the displayed or printed form.
This means, for most types, that there is a failed method lookup for
followed by a successful method lookup for
At this point you might consider forging an “inherited”
method which is really just the ->string
method except we get into a(nother) mess.
This time the problem lies in that the mechanism to add a printer
modifies the ->string
vtable method. But we’ve just “inherited”
the ->string
vtable method as the ->display-string
What could possibly go wrong?
Fortunately, the test suite stumbled on to this as it tested bad printers, one’s that don’t return a string. The order of demerit is:
add a bad printer to a C/pointer type
have the C/pointer displayed which
inherits the
method as the->display-string
methodraises a condition
the code did re-add the proper C/pointer type printer which does bump up the vtable generation
however, as none of the parent vtables had changed there was no cause to invalidate any inherited methods
the next
of that C/pointer type would invoke the errant->display-string
vtable method and raise an unexpected condition
The fix is two-fold:
don’t inherit the method unless it has successfully returned a string
if, when validating a vtable, we didn’t invalidate any inherited methods because of an ancestor’s vtable generation change then run through specifically looking for an inherited
method and invalidate it
I did say it was a mess.
C calling¶
We want to print values out from the C code base all the
time, it’s a thing. The C code base can be a bit more
efficient if it stays in the realms of char *
s and doesn’t have
to decode Idio strings repeatedly.
The obvious solution is to split the printing into two parts, a
C variant, say, idio_X_as_C_string()
, which returns
the requisite char *
and a vtable method, say,
(where the C 2string
aligns with the Idio ->string
), which calls the
C variant and constructs an IDIO
object from it.
Now, we can replace the historically enormous switch statement that
was idio_as_string()
(in src/util.c
) with a new (still
large enough, sadly) switch statement that knows about all the
variants and calls those directly.
The printing of any given type can now migrate into the
source file that handles most of the type’s other
There’s another slight dance with struct-instances, again! All the vtable methods are defined on the struct-type but we need to differentiate between the stock printers for struct-instances and struct-types.
When we come to using the ->string
vtable method for a
struct-instance we will be given the ->string
vtable method which
is obviously(?) set up to print a struct-type.
Here, the method must check if the supplied value is a struct-instance
and call the idio_struct_instance_as_C_string()
function directly.
That function can check for a bespoke printer (a
vtable method).
Defining Printers¶
Defining printers messes everything up.
If we’re “coming in” from Idio-land, say, %format
base of the printf
calls) calling display-string
, then we
dutifully lookup the vtable ->display-string
method (modulo all
the ->string
nonsense, above) to get a C
or user-defined printer, either of
which we can call. That seems easy enough.
If we’re “coming in” from C-land, say, idio_as_string()
we’re going to directly call the idio_X_as_C_string()
C function because that’s all we know.
Hmm, so how do we get to run the user-defined method if one exists?
Bah! Here, we have to have the C function also (or alternatively) perform the vtable method lookup but this time carefully check that the method’s C function pointer isn’t itself. If it is something else then we call it and return the value otherwise we fall back to whatever the default behaviour is.
There’s still the question of how to run the user-defined method.
The historic mechanism has been to invoke the function with the value
to be printed (duh!) and a “seen” value, defaulting to #n
We can generalize that, to some degree, by stashing a list, say,
(func [arg ...])
, in the value of the method and have an
implementation function, idio_util_method_run()
, which extracts
the list, inserts the value
parameter it was given, re-arranging
it as (func value [arg ...])
, something we can pass
directly to idio_vm_invoke_C()
In the particular case of add-as-string which
takes o
and f
idio_vtable_add_method (idio_value_vtable (o),
idio_vtable_create_method_value (idio_util_method_run,
IDIO_LIST2 (f, idio_S_nil)));
Which means you cannot override the default printer for a struct-type.
where we have m_name
defaulting to idio_S_2string
but swapped
for idio_S_struct_instance_2string
for when o
is a
struct-instance or struct-type.
struct-instance Example¶
Let’s create a simple struct-type, st1
, with fields a
. We’ll then create an instance of that struct-type, si1
Idio> define-struct st1 a b
#<CLOS set-st1-b! @120971/0x2/Idio>
Idio> si1 := make-st1 1 2
#<SI st1 a:1 b:2>
Just for reference, we’ll use the default printers:
Idio> st1
#<ST st1 [] a b>
Idio> si1
#<SI st1 a:1 b:2>
Now, we’ll define a printer for st1
which changes the way an
instance of an st1
is printed:
Idio> define (st1-printer v seen) {
sprintf "%s and %s" (st1-a v) (st1-b v)
#<CLOS st1-printer @121076/0x2/Idio>
Idio> add-as-string st1 st1-printer
Idio> si1
1 and 2
Finally, for reference, we can see we’re still using the default printer for the struct-type:
Idio> st1
#<ST st1 [] a b>
We can dump out the vtable (for st1
or si1
, they point to the
same vtable):
Idio> dump-vtable si1
The vtable for this struct-instance is:
Gen 632:
0: typename - 0 lookups: 0x4c3a88 uses 0B st1
1: struct-instance->string - 1 lookups: 0x4c8593 uses 0B
2: members - 0 lookups: 0x4c3bad uses 0B (a b)
Gen 632:
0: typename - 0 lookups: 0x4c3a88 uses 0B struct-type
1: ->string - 0 lookups: 0x4baa1b uses 0B
2: struct-instance->string - 0 lookups: 0x4ba553 uses 0B
3: value-index - 0 lookups: 0x4c67ae uses 0B
4: set-value-index! - 0 lookups: 0x4c6a6d uses 0B
which shows us that the struct-instance->string
vtable method has
been looked up once. We can print si1
Idio> si1
1 and 2
Idio> dump-vtable si1
The vtable for this struct-instance is:
Gen 632:
0: struct-instance->string - 2 lookups: 0x4c8593 uses 0B
1: typename - 0 lookups: 0x4c3a88 uses 0B st1
2: members - 0 lookups: 0x4c3bad uses 0B (a b)
which shows that the struct-instance->string
vtable method has
been looked up twice and been bubbled up to the first slot as it’s
the most looked up and so should be found quicker next time.
The ->string
method hasn’t been looked up at all, though, even
though st1
was printed. Why is that? Ah, careful! This is a
report of the number of vtable method lookups not a report on the
number of times the underlying C function has been called
We can force a lookup of the vtable method for st1
by calling
Idio> format "%s" st1
"#<ST st1 [] a b>"
Idio> dump-vtable st1
The vtable for this struct-type is:
Gen 632:
0: struct-instance->string - 2 lookups: 0x4c8593 uses 0B
1: typename - 0 lookups: 0x4c3a88 uses 0B st1
2: members - 0 lookups: 0x4c3bad uses 0B (a b)
3: ->string i 1 lookups: 0x4baa1b uses 0B
4: ->display-string i 1 lookups: 0x4baa1b uses 0B
Gen 632:
0: ->string - 1 lookups: 0x4baa1b uses 0B
1: typename - 0 lookups: 0x4c3a88 uses 0B struct-type
2: struct-instance->string - 0 lookups: 0x4ba553 uses 0B
3: value-index - 0 lookups: 0x4c67ae uses 0B
4: set-value-index! - 0 lookups: 0x4c6a6d uses 0B
where a lot has happened. Remember that format
will ultimately
call display-string
which will run through the
“inherited” from ->string
malarkey described
previously. The result is that:
’s vtable, the top one, has inherited the generic->string
vtable method from the genericstruct-type
vtable, the bottom one, and given it an automatic first lookupAs a side-effect the act of looking up the struct-type’s
vtable method has bumped its lookup count to 1. The two counts are separate.display-string
has quietly faked->display-string
vtable method (which is the same->string
vtable method) and tacked it onto the end ofst1
’s vtable
If we print st1
Idio> format "%s" st1
"#<ST st1 [] a b>"
Idio> dump-vtable si1
The vtable for this struct-instance is:
Gen 632:
0: struct-instance->string - 2 lookups: 0x4c8593 uses 0B
1: typename - 0 lookups: 0x4c3a88 uses 0B st1
2: members - 0 lookups: 0x4c3bad uses 0B (a b)
3: ->display-string i 2 lookups: 0x4baa1b uses 0B
4: ->string i 1 lookups: 0x4baa1b uses 0B
we can see the (faked) ->display-string
vtable method bubbling up
the table. Another three prints and it should reach the top.
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