Regular Expressions Functions¶
- function SRFI-115/regexp sre [flags]¶
Compiles a regexp if given an object whose structure matches the SRE syntax.
Returns sre unmodified if it is already a regexp.
- Param sre:
- Param sre:
- Param flags:
- Param flags:
- Return:
- Rtype:
- Raises ^rt-parameter-value-error:
- function SRFI-115/regexp? o¶
Is o a regexp?
- Param o:
value to test
- Type o:
- Return:
- function SRFI-115/valid-sre? x¶
Is x a valid SRE?
- Param x:
value to test
- Type x:
- Return:
- function SRFI-115/rx sre ...¶
define-template: (rx & args) (x e)
This is a syntax transformer compiling sre … into a sequence regular expression
(regexp #T{ (: sre ...) })
- function SRFI-115/regexp->sre re¶
Returns an SRE corresponding to the given regexp re.
- Param re:
- Type re:
- Return:
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/char-set->sre cset¶
Returns an SRE corresponding to the given SRFI 14 character set cset.
- Param cset:
SRFI-14 character set
- Type cset:
- Return:
- Type cset:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-matches re str [start [end]]¶
Returns an regexp-match object if re successfully matches the entire string str from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive), or
if the match fails. The regexp-match object will contain information needed to extract any submatches.- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Param start:
starting index, defaults to 0
- Type start:
integer, optional
- Param end:
ending index, defaults to string length
- Type end:
integer, optional
- Return:
regexp-match object
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-matches? rx str [o]¶
if re matches str as in regexp-matches, or#f
otherwise.- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Return:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-search re str [start [end]]¶
Returns an regexp-match object if re successfully matches a substring of str from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive), or
if the match fails. The regexp-match object will contain information needed to extract any submatches.- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Param start:
starting index, defaults to 0
- Type start:
integer, optional
- Param end:
ending index, defaults to string length
- Type end:
integer, optional
- Return:
regexp-match object
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-replace re str subst [start [end [count]]]¶
Returns a new string replacing the count th match of re in str the subst, where the zero-indexed count defaults to zero (i.e. the first match). If there are not count matches, returns the selected substring unmodified.
subst can be a string, an integer or symbol indicating the contents of a numbered or named submatch of re,
for the substring to the left of the match, or'post
for the substring to the right of the match.The optional parameters start and end restrict both the matching and the substitution, to the given indices, such that the result is equivalent to omitting these parameters and replacing on
(substring str start end)
. As a convenience, a value of#f
for end is equivalent to(string-length str)
.- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Param subst:
- Type subst:
see above
- Param start:
starting index, defaults to 0
- Type start:
integer, optional
- Param end:
ending index, defaults to string length
- Type end:
integer or
, optional- Param count:
replacement index count, defaults to zero
- Type count:
integer, optional
- Return:
(possibly) modified string
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-replace-all re str subst [start [end]]¶
Equivalent to regexp-replace but replaces all occurrences of re in str
- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Param subst:
- Type subst:
see above
- Param start:
starting index, defaults to 0
- Type start:
integer, optional
- Param end:
ending index, defaults to string length
- Type end:
integer or
, optional- Return:
(possibly) modified string
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-fold re kons knil str [finish [start [end]]]¶
The fundamental regexp matching iterator.
Repeatedly searches str for the regexp re so long as a match can be found. On each successful match, applies
(kons i regexp-match str acc)
where i is the index since the last match (beginning with start), regexp-match is the resulting match, and acc is the result of the previous kons application, beginning with knil. When no more matches can be found, calls finish with the same arguments, except that regexp-match is#f
.By default finish just returns acc.
- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param kons:
accumulation function
- Type kons:
- Param knil:
accumlated result
- Type knil:
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Param finish:
result function, defaults to a function returning acc
- Type finish:
function, optional
- Param start:
starting index, defaults to 0
- Type start:
integer, optional
- Param end:
ending index, defaults to string length
- Type end:
integer or
, optional- Return:
according to finish
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-extract re str [start [end]]¶
Extracts all non-empty substrings of str which match re between start and end as a list of strings.
- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Param start:
starting index, defaults to 0
- Type start:
integer, optional
- Param end:
ending index, defaults to string length
- Type end:
integer, optional
- Return:
list of matching strings
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-split re str [start [end]]¶
Splits str into a list of (possibly empty) strings separated by non-empty matches of re.
- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Param start:
starting index, defaults to 0
- Type start:
integer, optional
- Param end:
ending index, defaults to string length
- Type end:
integer, optional
- Return:
list of matching strings
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-partition re str [start [end]]¶
Partitions str into a list of non-empty strings matching re, interspersed with the unmatched portions of the string. The first and every odd element is an unmatched substring, which will be the empty string if re matches at the beginning of the string or end of the previous match. The second and every even element will be a substring matching re. If the final match ends at the end of the string, no trailing empty string will be included. Thus, in the degenerate case where str is the empty string, the result is
.Note that
is equivalent to interleaving the results of regexp-split and regexp-extract, starting with the former.- Param re:
SRE or regexp
- Type re:
list or struct-instance
- Param str:
string to match
- Type str:
- Param start:
starting index, defaults to 0
- Type start:
integer, optional
- Param end:
ending index, defaults to string length
- Type end:
integer, optional
- Return:
list of matching strings
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-match? o¶
Is o a successful match from regexp-matches or regexp-search?
- Param o:
value to test
- Type o:
- Return:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-match-count regexp-match¶
Returns the number of submatches of regexp-match, regardless of whether they matched or not. Does not include the implicit zero full match in the count.
- Param regexp-match:
- Type regexp-match:
- Return:
number of submatches
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-match-submatch regexp-match field¶
Returns the substring matched in regexp-match corresponding to field, either an integer or a symbol for a named submatch. Index 0 refers to the entire match, index 1 to the first lexicographic submatch, and so on. If there are multiple submatches with the same name, the first which matched is returned. If passed an integer outside the range of matches, or a symbol which does not correspond to a named submatch of the pattern, it is an error. If the corresponding submatch did not match, returns false.
The result of extracting a submatch after the original matched string has been mutated is unspecified.
- Param regexp-match:
- Type regexp-match:
- Param field:
field identifier
- Type field:
integer or symbol
- Return:
submatch string or
- Rtype:
string or
- function SRFI-115/regexp-match-submatch-start regexp-match field¶
Returns the start index for regexp-match corresponding to field as per regexp-match-submatch.
- Param regexp-match:
- Type regexp-match:
- Param field:
field identifier
- Type field:
integer or symbol
- Return:
submatch starting index
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-match-submatch-end regexp-match field¶
Returns the end index for regexp-match corresponding to field as per regexp-match-submatch.
- Param regexp-match:
- Type regexp-match:
- Param field:
field identifier
- Type field:
integer or symbol
- Return:
submatch ending index
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-match->list regexp-match¶
Returns a list of all submatches in regexp-match as string or false, beginning with the entire match 0.
- Param regexp-match:
- Type regexp-match:
- Return:
list of submatches
- Rtype:
- function SRFI-115/regexp-match->sexp regexp-match¶
Convert regexp-match to a forest of submatches, beginning with the full match, using
for unmatched submatches.- Param regexp-match:
- Type regexp-match:
- Return:
- Rtype:
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