Extra! Extra!¶
The shell does quite a lot but is there anything else it could do? We can do what we like, we’re designing and implementing it after all!
I’m an inveterate fiddler and there’s plenty of things that would be really handy though we should be careful to distinguish between things that can simply be implemented in our programming language as an add-on package and things which require a change to the core engine.
Changes in the core engine tend to have wide changes in the C code base. A new core type, for example, will need code to allocate and garbage collect it, to construct, manage and destruct instances of the type, something to manage type equality, something to print it and something to create a hash value from it. There are probably others.
There are plenty of programming language engine features that we might be interested in. Is this a real programming language if it doesn’t have a JIT compiler? Threading (of any kind)? But those aren’t shell-ish features, we can pick those up elsewhere.
In no particular order, then.
A long time ago I stumbled over a bug in Bash (version 1 – showing my age!) where a file descriptor was left open which, for some reason, tripped up something else away away down the chain – I vaguely recall it was something to do with mail that fell over, mail(1), maybe? It took a while to figure out the culprit was Bash.
Anyway, I pondered on the fact that I couldn’t close(2) this file descriptor like I might be able to do in Perl. How frustrating. (A frustration that has bugged me ever since. Doubly annoying!)
My colleagues took this to heart and hooked a
Perl interpreter into Bash to talk to
their C++ management system with a glue
interface using Lisp-y parenthesis to protect the
Perl-esque input and Data::Dumper
Still in use today…
Until I discovered that I could write a close
function that
really did close(2) the errant file descriptor and all was
well. I had discovered Bash’s loadable builtins mechanism.
I was a happy bunny.
The bug in Bash was fixed in the next release anyway.
I’m pretty keen to have a C FFI so I can poke about and do stuff. There’s plenty of opportunity to be talking about different things here so what I’m describing is having C functions available as Idio functions (modulo appropriate nuances). So that means managing data types including structures and unions as well as the literal calling of functions.
Consider job control where we have to be
able to call exotic systems programming interfaces like
setpgrp(2) and tcsetpgrp(3) to do basic shell
work. I like programming in C as much as the next guy
(probably not true) but I’d rather be writing code in a language that
abstracts me from the nitty gritty and let’s me get on with the logic.
If a system call fails then raise some kind of error, hopefully some
kind of exception, such that it can be handled by someone who has a
bigger picture. I just made a system call which failed, how do I know
if that means the program should exit? A shell is predicated on
abstractions, like |
, which we know are 1) chock full of systems
calls and 2) any of which can fail. No-one has stopped writing shell
scripts because of that.
In our putative shell-like language we want to say:
tcsetpgrp fd pgrp
where tcsetpgrp
is an Idio function and fd
are Idio values and it will eventually work its way
through to a C function, something like:
... idio_primitive_tcsetpgrp (... fd_arg, ... pgrp_arg)
int fd = <massage fd_arg into int>;
pid_t pgrp = <massage pgrp arg into pid_t>;
int ret = tcsetpgrp (fd, pgrp);
if (-1 == ret) {
idio_error_system_errno ("tcsetpgrp", ...);
return <massaged ret>;
However, crafting those calls by hand is quite different to being able to wave some automated mechanism at the problem and say, figure it out.
Those calls aren’t rocket science and it is instructive to see how we might manage more complex data structures and calls. But it is long-winded.
On obvious named starter for ten in this work is ’s libffi. libffi forms a sort of glue between compilation units or, indeed, between interpreted code and compiled code. The underlying problem is that compilers use an architecture- and operating system-specific set of calling conventions when laying out the arguments to function calls. libffi provides a high-level programming interface to these conventions.
It’s not the end of the matter as libffi deals in C
arguments, not, say, Idio arguments so you need a layer of
abstraction above libffi that massages Idio numbers
into C int
s, say. Part of that problem is that you
need to know how big your typedef
ed C type is. Is your
four or eight bytes? (Hint: that’s not a 32- or 64-bit
question.) How big is your int
, for that matter?
But, do I really envisage corralling the arguments for a C function call on the fly? No, not really. That sounds like some awkward typing and exactly the sort of laboured guff that automation is supposed to help me with.
I think what I want is something to grovel around somewhere and figure out what the C code would look like if I’d written my code like the tcsetpgrp example, above. It can then be compiled up and added as a linkable module (however that works).
Steel Bank Commom Lisp (SBCL) have sb-grovel to help generate foreign function interfaces and there is a (possibly more portable) The Groveller inspired by it. The basic idea is that you compile some C code and the groveller figures out the interface and generates some Lisp for you to call.
Do I want some Lisp, though? I think I want some C, don’t I?
Another “back in the day” recollection was a colleague chuntering away about poking about in the stabs output from gcc. I wasn’t really following what he was on about (or why) – and I don’t really follow what he chunters about today, either, but that’s OK, I think, for both of us. More importantly, poking about in stabs has stuck with me. It might be time…
Except stabs has been superseded by DWARF (a pun on ELF) which describes everything a
debugger needs to know to, uh, debug a program. That includes a
breakdown of all the data types involved (typedef
s, structures,
unions, etc., sounds good!) but not the actual function call interface
as that is in the executable and part of the calling convention we
just talked about. Grr! But we’re close.
You do have to have some sample code, say for a call to
getrusage(2), which we might use to time
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
void foo (void)
struct rusage r;
getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &r);
which is enough to get you the enumerated type for RUSAGE_SELF
a recursive breakdown of struct rusage
and all its constituent
members (which turn out to be a lot of union
s to force alignment
to the interface’s declared long
s) including the struct
gcc -g -o getrusage.o getrusage.c
objdump -g getrusage.o
But nothing about the call to getrusage(2) itself and that
it takes an int
and a struct rusage *
as arguments.
How annoying.
Expect (first released in 1990) is an extension to ’s Tcl (Tool Command Language, first release in 1988).
’I have used Tcl for its intended purpose, directly controlling some test equipment.
Although I suspect that the API was set up to be Tcl for $REASONS and some backend code poked the kit over the wire.
Still, Tool Command Language, indeed.
Tcl is something of a marmite language – but aren’t
all programming languages something of an acquired taste? – though I
prefer using it to Perl’s Expect
package. No-one’s
Expect let’s you interact with programs that expect [hah!] to be being used by a user on a terminal. I’m sure many of us have been through a phase of confidently throwing a file of predicted answers as input to a command and been “disappointed” when the command didn’t ask the questions that those answers were predicated on.
Expect lets you look at the command’s output from which you can make a decision as to how to progress. Many programs will change their behaviour based on some state that is out of your control. I’m trying to log into another computer, this time it asks me to confirm a host identity, next time it doesn’t, even though the command I used was the same.
I mostly use Expect for the send
and relatively rarely for its other powerful feature that you can
automate logins, say, and then hand control back to the user.
You could augment that with some “escape codes” (key sequences the user is unlikely to type normally, say, +++ followed by a digit) which would signal that Expect should take back control, log into a different box and hand control back to the user again. Very neat.
You can extend Tcl like many languages and I was obliged to write an extension to hook in some Unix Semaphores to dig myself out of a hole caused by a worthy but ill-thought out requirement.
What Expect is doing under the hood is more exotic systems
programming. It gets a new pseudo-tty through the interfaces
described in pts(4). In a fork
ed child you can close
file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 then open the pseudo-tty appropriately to
give you file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 now attached to the pseudo-tty.
Cue a wall of terminal oriented systems programming (didn’t I say I
didn’t want to get involved with terminals…?) and Bob’s your
To be fair, many of the uses for Expect-like behaviour are fire-and-forget but sometimes we need to pull some information back and once again, if we have had to out-source the implementation to another program we have the problem of handling the quoting of the results (output!) coming back.
If we can do it “in house”, all’s well.
Finite State Automata¶
My bugbear here is make. For some reason it annoys me that
embedding commands in Makefile
s is so complicated. Anything
beyond the most vanilla invocation becomes a hot mess.
It feels like the Here-document issue we’ve mentioned before.
Now, I hesitate to suggest that replacing the extensive features of make would be trivial but it got me thinking.
Quite a lot of our activities orchestrating processes are poorly coded workflows. Poorly coded in the sense that whilst they start at the top and work their way down to the bottom, they don’t tend to encode any state and certainly don’t persist that state.
Many of my scripts have to handle idempotency – have I done this bit already, OK, do something slightly different.
Would we be better off if we could encode what the script is meant to be doing in some state driven mechanism which we can suspend and resume?
That opens up the world of Business Process Management (and all of its horrors).
screen / tmux
Security - ssh - keys
hooks into sqlite for persistence
JSON (no comments, NULL, “true”/true) -> JSON5
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