
I want to create a programmable shell. At least that’s the easiest way of describing it. I want to have the power and expressibility of a proper programming language whilst at the same time utilising the elegant abstractions of the shell for command orchestration.

But command orchestration is the ultimate goal – just with some nice programming features.

My background has been a mixture of Unix systems administration, provisioning hardware and software infrastructure and developing tools and toolchains for engineers. I’ve covered a lot of ground albeit without actually doing anything that might be considered customer facing. When asked what I do, there’s no easy categorisation so I’ve shrugged and answered … stuff.

System administrators are always writing shell scripts – with more or less attention to the niceties of programming. Every new system requires some customisation to fit into the local computing environment and that experience gets encoding into setup scripts.

New software and new releases of software all require some experimentation to discover their models of operation then appropriate massaging to fit in with the way we work here. Encode those local customisations into installation shell scripts.

Invariably, that software will behave erratically and produce reams of logs and output. We need more bespoke shell scripts to monitor and manage it. How do we do alerting, here? Do we send an email (and hope someone reads it)? Is there a local alerting system (hopefully with someone watching it)?

Even something as simple as taking a backup using the software’s own backup scripts will usually require some shell scripting to run pre- and post-checks to manage historic accumulated backups and available disk space and so on.

Further, these local customisations are of their time and place. Not only are your computers in your network different to my computers in my network but we both change our computers and the environment they run in over time. The shell scripts are in permanent flux. The lucky ones are under version control!

On the other hand I also write software for engineers to use. Generally, software that roams around the computing infrastructure, interacting with other systems, querying a database, poking a REST interface, gathering information, applying some change.

These always start with a shell script. I know to netcat -this, or ssh with a particular key to obtain some bespoke behaviour -that. Most commands print unstructured text to stdout which we can “screen scrape” to find out our facts. sed, grep and awk are our best friends although we can do a fair amount of twirling and twiddling directly in the shell with IFS and arrays and pattern matching and parameter expansion. Need Expect to poke about in a bespoke User Interface to find some status? No problem.

But then I always do have a problem when I start to gather similar information from more than one source and I need an ostensibly simple list of lists or hash of arrays or, in fact, anything that reveals the shell’s great computing problem. If computing is algorithms and data structures, the shell can if and while with the best of them but it only has flat arrays for data structures.

Suddenly, we’re goosed. Our world-conquering shell script has thrown us off at the first hurdle.

Programmers will turn to Perl (in my youth) or Python (in my attempts to remain young) or some other “proper” programming language and that’s great. We can gloss over the problem of running all those commands interacting with the environment by calling system (or whatever will, in turn, simply invoke the shell again!) and capture the output in some convoluted way.

Only a paragraph or two ago we could have run a=$(cmd args | this | that) and carried on our merry way. Yes, we can call, say, popen and then read from a file descriptor until we get an end of file indication and in the meanwhile be realloc’ing memory for the output to go into and then arrange for that data to be accessible as a variable – and, obviously, that is what the shell is doing – but no-one is interested in that. Just run this command and give me the output!

Of course, everybody has to handle the command pipeline failing outright or even failing to produce the expected output, there are no short cuts for anyone.

However, we’ve traded a succinct abstraction for a lot more systems code (interaction with the operating system) with attendant error handling for the sake of richer data structures. Should we have to? We’ve moved on, we’re at a higher level where a command and its output are our units of computing. We’re a shell.

That’s the thinking behind Idio, the language. I could have just written a reference manual, a few tutorials etc. and called it a day but in trying to implement Idio I hit a problem. I couldn’t for the life of me, find out how (to a large part) but more importantly why some languages were written the way they were. They simply exist, de facto, without explanation and have done so for decades – Python is a relative stripling at 30 years old. You need to reverse engineer thousands upon thousands of lines of code without explanation which still won’t tell you why someone chose a particular implementation.

Maybe they are well-documented and I’m an idiot – my Google-fu has let me down. Maybe so. However, it has prompted me to try to explain how I made my design and implementation decisions about Idio which might help you make your design and implementation decisions for your language. If nothing else, not like he did it!

So that is the purpose of this treatise. I’m going to look at the shell and argue for the things I like and ignore the things I don’t. I’m also going to throw in some things I think would be useful for someone like me to have in a shell. I’m then going to look at my programming language of choice, Scheme, and argue as to why it does what we need it do. Scheme, it transpires, does an awful lot more besides which we can benefit from although there is a decent argument that it does too much and that we should hold back from some of its more baroque and entangled features. We’ll then look at how to implement a Scheme-ish language from basic interpretation through to byte compilation. If Scheme could do the things we want then the smart people behind Scheme would already have done so, so we need to discuss how to, ahem, butcher it until it bends to our will! That leads to some tricky compromises.

There’s another, more reflective, reason for this rambling. In my experience when I have tried to explain what I have done in written prose using examples I had not tried myself I discover that my casual understanding is, in fact, an abject misunderstanding – and, often as not, a poor implementation. If I can satisfactorily explain how Idio works then there’s a decent chance it’s actually doing what it says on the side of the tin.

One obvious question is, why am I writing a new shell at all? Aren’t there lots of perfectly good shells already out there and even more perfectly good programming languages? Why don’t I hack away at Bash, say, and look to support nested data structures or, if I’m really determined to have my shell abstractions, couldn’t I look into the bowels of Python and see if I can’t slip a | into the code reader?

Well, yes, I could have pursued either approach but we’re back to that business of not having an intimate understanding of the design of the language – and an understanding of the implementation, for that matter. There’s also that problem we know from experience where the minor task of changing some perceived simple function of the code unearths untold assumptions across the piece that you’ve now broken. The code might not start up again for days if not weeks whilst you track down the last unrepentant snippet of code. I find that that is true in this code base and I wrote the lot!

There’s also the very size of the beasties. Bash’s repo is a mere 776 thousand lines in 1300 files. CPython’s repo is 2.2 million lines over 4600 files. Good luck making sweeping changes across either of those! Of course, those repos are not all code but you’ll need to update the documentation and Internationalisation as well, so count it all in.

Most importantly, I want to know how things work. In fact, I want to know how all the things work. That means everything. I’m going to suggest that we start with nothing, the proverbial blank sheet of paper, or empty directory in this case, and we use nothing from anyone else that we haven’t nicked borrowed ported re-imagined ourselves such that we can document it as though we had implemented it ourselves.

The downside of this Not Invented Here approach is at best we don’t have world class implementations and at worst we suffer from our own incompetence and misunderstanding and the codebase becomes a festering pit of despair – and they say there’s a price to pay for everything.

With this downside in mind we ought to ensure that the codebase is modular enough that we could swap out subsystem implementations. I suspect that that might be “hard” but hopefully not impossible.

Roaming the Internet looking for inspiration on implementing a programming language I hit on three key sources.

In the first case, like many people, I read Abelson and Sussman with Sussman’s Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) [AwJS96] which served as the basis of MIT’s entry-level computer science subject from the 80s.

Skipping the computer science bit, Chapter 4, Metalinguistic Abstraction implements a metacircular evaluator, the basic meaning of which is that if your programming language is worth its salt you should be able to implement (a probably weedier, much less efficient version of) your programming language or some other programming language in your programming language. You use your programming language to create other programming languages.

To be fair, no-one is going to get excited that we used C to implement Idio but there’s a sense of “having made it” when you reach the stage of being able to implement other languages in yours. After all, you basically need to be able to read characters, one at a time, and decide whether to bundle them up into names or numbers or strings etc. then have a mechanism to evaluate them whilst maintaining some sense of “memory” where values can be set and retrieved from.

Chapter 5, Computing with Register Machines then goes on to discuss the transformation of your evaluator (your interpreter) into a language suitable for a traditional computer, a register machine. This isn’t any real world computer but rather a hypothetical machine whose assembly code is suited to your language. It has a program counter and registers for shuffling transient data to and from “memory” like real world computers but the units of operation are more abstract.

This is the start of the rabbit hole for Virtual Machines in a programming language sense – we’re not talking about virtual machines as in something to run an operating system on, here we mean something more like a Turing machine which will process our instructions. Almost every language these days uses a virtual machine, a proper advance from evaluation/interpretation.

SICP uses Scheme as its core implementation language – much like we will use C – and the metacircular evaluator operates on a Scheme-ish language which can become a bit confusing. The problem here, though, is that the implementation relies on behaviour supplied by the core implementation’s Scheme. That’s behaviour we don’t have as we’re (deliberately) starting from nothing.

My next influence was the discovery of Bill Hails’ (seemingly?) unpublished book Exploring Programming Language Architecture in Perl (EPLAiP) [Hai10] which implements a Scheme interpreter in Perl. I felt a lot more comfortable following the working here than I did with SICP and it throws in a few more interesting titbits like an object system and continuations. In fact, his Figure 13.6, of all things, is the one that finally made continuations click for me.

So thoroughly influenced, not only did I go through building all his increasing-levels-of-complexity interpreters in Perl I actually went back and did them all again in C! Madness!

And great fun! I felt I was getting somewhere. EPLAiP is (obviously?) using Perl as its core implementation language and, like SICP, relies on some behaviour from the underlying Perl.

My final inspiration source actually costs money (I’m showing commitment here!) in the form of what many might describe as the bible for implementing, certainly, Scheme, Christian Queinnec’s Lisp in Small Pieces (LiSP) [Que94]. LiSP takes you through a dozen variations of a Scheme engine from basic evaluation through byte compilation for a virtual machine and even production of C code to be compiled as a fixed executable.

LiSP uses Scheme as its core implementation language and a Scheme-ish language is the one it is evaluating/compiling. So, again, we can’t use “it” (given the number of evaluators/compilers I presumably mean a later one) directly.

However, Idio is derived from LiSP by the simple expedient of me figuring out what I needed to do to bootstrap enough framework to get going. That’s an interesting point to reflect on, there are several subsystems where there is a degree of mutual reliance, the final version of the one can’t exist without the final version of the other. We have neither when we start and will have to bodge our way through.

At some point, though, I decided I’d had enough implementing something to interpret/compile a dialect of Scheme and it was time to wield the language cleaver of destiny and start butchering this Scheme-ish language into something that did what I want.

I made a mistake at this point, though. I didn’t put the Scheme code to one side and introduce some parallel interpreter/compiler, I just hacked the Scheme engine to bits. Very satisfying but in hindsight a bit unwise. It turns out that Idio is this close (put your thumb and forefinger up close to your eye and then squeeze them together) to Scheme and Scheme has had a lot of software written for it. So I’ve found myself porting software written for Scheme and, more or less, changing the syntax and a few structural elements. It’s not a case of thinking that this is something that could be automated it’s the realisation that I could have simply left the Scheme engine in there and just read it in direct.

What a waste. So if there’s one lesson you can learn…

There are a lot of programming languages out there. There are a lot of variations of the same kinds of languages out there. There are a lot of implementations of the exact same language out there – compounded by any number of revisions of that language.

Which is these, if any, are influential to us as language designers and implementers? Good question.

In principle all languages should be influencing us as designers, however, I’m not a programming language polyglot (nor likely to be) so, whilst the core feature of my language wants to be the process orchestration abstractions of the shell, the programming language side of things comes from what I’m aware of, the Perls, Pythons and Lisps of the world. (Not much to go on, eh? Let’s hope it doesn’t show!)

That said there are ever useful resources like Hacker News to keep us in touch with people doing work with programming languages, shells, JITs, secure coding, cryptography, etc. before you even start on the general technology-oriented news.

From there you can pick up information on nascent and little programming languages and eventually discover resources keeping track of these things like the Fledgling Languages List. You can discover people playing with programming ideas, implementation techniques and be able to drill through to underlying academic papers.

One guiding property of any language that is going to be influential to us (me?) as an implementer is that you have the time and space to grok it. What is it trying to do and, critically, how is it trying to do it? That is drawing us, inevitably, towards the smaller more … consumable … languages (or variants of languages).

I can see that over time I’ve downloaded and looked at (and variously forgotten the details of) in no particular order:

  • well-known languages:

    • Tcl in actual Toolkit Command Language mode as well as Expect mode.

    • Lua which is regularly appearing as an in-game programming language

  • less well-known languages:

    • Qish playing with threading and garbage collectors

    • Solid minimalist interpreted language, with a clean object model and a tiny VM

    • Potion an object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language

    • Maru a symbolic expression evaluator that can compile its own implementation language

    • io a programming language focused on expressiveness through simplicity

  • Scheme implementations

    • STklos better known for its connection to the GTK+ toolkit it uses a virtual machine, CLOS, PCRE and more

    • GNU’s Guile

    • Alex Shinn’s Chibi Scheme

    • Nils M Holm’s S9fES (Scheme 9 from Empty Space) [Hol14]

I have been unduly influenced by Nils M Holm’s S9fES, in particular the September 2009 variant I downloaded as it had an implementation of bignums.

For some reason I had become fixated on bignums and wanted to understand the science (so advanced it was indistinguishable from magic) that made it happen. So many other implementations deferred to the GMP (GNU Multi Precision Arithmetic Library) and GMP itself is 2100 files and 435k lines of code – I don’t want to wade through that!

The implementation of bignums is, of course, simply long-hand arithmetic and, in the S9fES case, using a form of range-limited integers to catch and handle carry bits.

Of course, by the time I’d figured out the implementation I’d been poking about in S9fES for a while and, whilst none of the underlying C is copied (the bignums implementation being ported), there is a certain amount of the Scheme code that has been copied largely because there is a reasonable test script which meant taking the Scheme functions supporting trigonometric functions with it.

That’s not great. Not because the code is poor, or anything, but because I’ve taken it verbatim. I can’t claim to be able to describe its working and certainly not well enough to be able to re-implement it in a clean room. The tests I can replace with code-coverage results (and am, slowly) plus whatever boundary conditions I can think of. The trigonometric algorithms remain a mystery. I can’t do the maths.

Who should be reading this opus? This isn’t a pedagogical text but a faintly organized brain dump so I guess the audience is someone like me: written a bit of code, done a bit of stuff but, most importantly, interested in how things work.

Interested enough to want to try something of their own but, like I was, at a bit of a loss as to how to begin. You might not like where I’m going or what I’ve done but it might help you scribble the first line on the blank sheet of paper.


I’ve implemented Idio in C – and using C99 in particular – as, if nothing else, it’s a programming language I’m familiar with although by no means an expert.

There’s plenty of reasons not to use C so I could have written Idio in Go or Rust (or D or …) but that would mean:

  1. I have to learn a new language – wait… I’m learning a new language in order that I can design and implement my own?

  2. everyone looking at the implementation has to

    • learn the new language

    • and the nuances of this other language

    • and figure out if I’ve written something brilliant or am just getting away with it.

    All of us doing that in a new language whilst figuring out how to make the target language work. Doesn’t seem… right.

  3. everyone has to be able to get hold of this other language

I would like my language to be reasonably portable and from my background I’m fairly certain most systems I’ve used have a C compiler. Your current system may have a packaging system that let’s you download a ready-to-roll $LANGUAGE implementation but not everybody does.

The downside of this is that we’re writing everything in C with all its attendant issues with memory management and pointer mangling and everything else that people throw in the face of C. OK, sure. Let’s just write safe, secure code. It can’t be that hard….

Hardware and Operating Systems

I’m limited to the physical kit I can get my hands on: various x86 systems and (the ubiquitous Raspberry Pi?) ARM systems and to what virtual machines I can convince to run on either. That gives me a reasonable pool of operating systems with enough variance to keep my C porting honest.

One question arises, how broad should that pool be? I’ve wrestled a little with how much effort should I put into old operating systems. I might be able to get hold of versions of Linux and, say, Solaris, from the late 90s but am I looking for usable completeness or technical completeness? Does anyone, and this is critical, who wants to run a new shell actually run one of these old operating systems?

The chances are that if you’re still running an Operating System released in the 90s then it is critical infrastructure – otherwise you wouldn’t still be running it – and you’re not likely to (be allowed to) run new code with a dubious provenance on it.

That said, there is some technical merit in ensuring that the code is portable enough to run on such systems as it was the time of the transition from 32-bit to 64-bit computing and the various LP64 variations that came with it.

So I think the goal is to ensure that the shell works on a fleet of the latest Operating Systems together with a selection of “others” which aren’t expected to see much action but which force the code to be honest.

A broad range without being too specific:

Test Systems







OpenBSD 7.1



clang 13


OpenBSD 6.9



clang 10


NetBSD 9.2



gcc 7


FreeBSD 13.2



clang 14


macOS 14.1



clang 12


Mac OS X 10.15.7



clang 11


openSUSE Leap 15.3



gcc 7


Ubuntu 22.04



gcc 11


Ubuntu 18.04



gcc 8


Fedora Linux 39



gcc 13


Debian GNU/Linux 11



gcc 10


Debian GNU/Linux 10



gcc 8


CentOS Stream 9



gcc 11


CentOS Stream 8



gcc 8


CentOS Linux 7



gcc 4


CentOS 6



gcc 4


Alpine Linux 3.16.2 (musl)



gcc 11


Oracle Solaris 11.4



gcc 11


OpenIndiana Hipster 2022.10



gcc 10


OpenIndiana Development oi_151.1.9



gcc 4


FreeBSD 13.2



clang 14


macOS 14.1



clang 15


Ubuntu 20.04



gcc 9


Fedora Linux 39



gcc 13


Debian GNU/Linux 12 (RPi 4 B)



gcc 12


NetBSD 9.2



gcc 7


Mac OS X 10.5.8



gcc 4


Debian GNU/Linux 10



gcc 8


CentOS 6



gcc 4


OpenIndiana Development oi_151.1.8



gcc 4


Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (RPi 3 B+)



gcc 12



Ubuntu 20.04



gcc 9



Ubuntu 18.04 (WSL1)



gcc 7

Noting that several recent Operating System releases have dropped 32-bit support.

Whenever we see performance statistics for a programming language we should be given clues about the host machine, usually the CPU make and model. No computer I’ve ever owned has matched a single one of these but all these things are relative.

A Raspberry Pi (Model 3B+) is much closer to a standard unit of computing and, being a tichy little thing, also represents, to some degree, a minimal unit of computing. If Idio can “perform” on a Raspberry Pi then we’ve nailed it.

Unfortunately, Idio does not “perform” on a Raspberry Pi. Which is annoying. It doesn’t “perform” on the latest and greatest CPU I have. Which is more disturbing.

More work required.

Man pages, see man(1), are most likely to refer to whatever primary development system I happen to be using – almost certainly a Linux variant. Solaris and BSDs may vary.

Last built at 2025-03-12T07:10:56Z+0000 from 463152b (dev)