Symbols and Keywords


Symbols are usually what you think of in other languages as identifiers, the references to values. In Lispy languages they are also first class values in their own right.

In the first instance I think we’re probably fairly comfortable with the idea that we use symbolic (ha!) names to represent values and that as the program is compiled the compiler will “do away with” those symbolic names and use some memory addresses instead. Symbolic names are useful for us programmers to deal with but not really of any use to a compiler.

Idio is no different in that regard, you can introduce a symbolic name – let’s call it a symbol! – and indicate that it refers to a value:

str := "hello"

The "hello" part will have been recognised as the constructor for a string value and str will be used to refer to it.

Symbols themselves don’t refer to anything, they simply exist. Instead the evaluator will have created a table which uses the symbol to resolve to a value. This is all a bit woolly as values don’t exist in the evaluator either – except when they do – so it is a bit hard to talk about the symbol referring to a value when it doesn’t.

However, whatever the machinations of the Idio engine, symbolically, it is useful to say that the symbol refers to a value.

The second use of symbols is as tags or flags, you can invent a name/tag/flag, say, wibble and then reference it for comparison.

That’s a critical point in that the only useful thing you can do with symbols is compare them. We’ve said elsewhere that symbols are unique within the program meaning there’s no sense of equality other than a (fast) pointer comparison with eq?.

The downside of using symbols are variable names is that you constantly need to prevent the evaluator trying to find a referenced value so when we want to compare an incoming value to the symbol wibble we must quote it:

eq? v 'wibble

which seems like an inconvenience – it is – but

  1. you get used to it

  2. often the quoting is only required to create a table for subsequent comparison with a (variable) element from the table

  3. many language constructions are syntax transformers (ultimately, templates) which will be given the quoted form and construct a test with it (implicitly using the preceding style):

    (case (v)
         ((weeble wobble)     ...)
         ((wibble)            ...)
         (else                ...))

    Here, the case template will be given a fairly complex set of arguments and will eventually find the list, (wibble) consisting of the one symbol, in its hands which it can then test as to whether the key, v, is a member.


#define IDIO_SYMBOL_FLAG_NONE                0
#define IDIO_SYMBOL_FLAG_GENSYM              (1<<0)

typedef struct idio_symbol_s {
    size_t blen;             /* bytes */
    char *s;                 /* C string */
} idio_symbol_t;

#define IDIO_SYMBOL_BLEN(S)  ((S)->u.symbol.blen)
#define IDIO_SYMBOL_S(S)     ((S)->u.symbol.s)
#define IDIO_SYMBOL_FLAGS(S) ((S)->tflags)

s is a char * although unlike Idio Strings it is, essentially, the original UTF-8 C string.

Symbols are “interned” which is a fancy way of saying that the symbol’s name is looked up to see if it already exists and if so the value retrieved. If not a new symbol based on the name is created (added to the internal table) and returned.

It’s that interning that makes the symbol unique within the program and prevents any awkwardness such as:

Idio> eq? 'x 'x

A lot of things grind to a halt at this point.

Defining in C

Defining a symbol in C is a little bit of a run around because we need three points of exposure. Let’s consider creating the Idio symbol := which we are required to call idio_S_colon_eq in the C code base. The C snippet colon_eq will be used by different C macros to tie things together.

  1. we need to declare the C symbol in a header so everyone can use it:

    extern IDIO_SYMBOL_DECL (colon_eq);

    IDIO_SYMBOL_DECL(n) creates the simple concatenation of idio_S_ and n.

  2. we need to repeat the declaration without the extern:

    IDIO_SYMBOL_DECL (colon_eq);

    to create the storage for the C value.

  3. we need to assign something to our C variable

    void idio_symbol_init ()
        IDIO_SYMBOL_DEF (":=", colon_eq);

    which is a bit more complicated and creates the Idio symbol := (from the C string ":=") and assigns the result to the C variable idio_S_colon_eq.

Special Cases

There are a few C versions of symbols which are even more fundamental, like idio_S_nil, which are derived from #defines in src/idio.h.

These are required to exist for C functions to return during the construction of other symbols. We can’t allow ourselves to be in the position of having a problem defining idio_S_nil only then to try to return idio_S_nil on failure.

Consequently, there is no explicit creation of a corresponding Idio symbol for these C symbols. For these special cases, the reader will recognise the character combination, #n, in this case, and return idio_S_nil. (Well, technically, they’ll set the expression element of the current lexical object to idio_S_nil and return the lexical object, but you know what I mean.)

Furthermore, if we’re feeling pernickety, idio_S_nil is a C IDIO constant, not a symbol. However, its existence is in support of #n the Idio symbol. I suppose, for clarification, this group of constants could be renamed “constant symbols” or “symbol constants” and we can argue about names rather than getting on and accepting that some things are just anomalous.


This is not yet guaranteed safe for Unicode names however they will probably work.

The reader has a dual purpose when reading in words, see idio_read_word() in src/read.c. Broadly, it will have read in bytes until it matches a separator, SPACE or \t\n\r()].;`,", and then will attempt to convert the word to a number.

This automatic attempt to turn a word into a number makes more sense when you know that 1e100 is a valid number and 1+2 is a valid symbol. Words (and therefore symbols) that begin with a number are generally not found in non-Lispy languages but are perfectly fine here – although they should be used with caution as they are likely to sow confusion.

If the conversion to a number fails it assumes the word is either a keyword (with a leading :) or a symbol.

(The decision making in idio_read_word() probably needs more clarity.)


The reader imposes a limit of IDIO_WORD_MAX_LEN bytes, currently 1024, on a symbol although that restriction does not exist elsewhere – you can use string->symbol to create a very large symbol indeed, should you really want to.

The reader is imposing that limit as if the source code contains that sort of a symbol then the chances are it isn’t human constructed source code and something has gone wrong.

Of course, that flies in the face of machine generated source code so it is something to be re-evaluated in due course.


The set of separators is:

Word separators











LINE FEED / newline













arg] – as in #[1 2 3]


FULL STOP / period

value-index operator



provisional statement separator


GRAVE ACCENT / backquote

use in templates



use in templates


QUOTATION MARK / double-quote

start of a string

The use of , and ` are incorrect, they should be dynamically based on the current interpolation characters.

. is handled carefully as it has three possible meanings:

  1. a decimal point as in 3.14

    This is the case if the part of word before . can be interpreted as a number (here, 3 looks like a number). If the remaining constituents of the word form an invalid number then it is not re-interpreted as a symbol, it is a invalid number: 3.1.4.

    The flip side of that is that you can’t have a symbol purely made from numbers: 123 will always be interpreted as a number but 123e will be a symbol (as a valid number would have one or more digits after the e). 123Z is also a symbol because not all of the letters are used when deriving a number, 123, from the word.

  2. the value-index operator as in struct.field

  3. an actual symbol as in ... (which is used in the meta-template syntax-rules)


The written form of a symbol is its constituent characters.

The gensym flag is a placeholder for something a bit subtle. I can construct a template which may well use gensyms. If I conspire to save the generated code out it will have whatever symbolic representation a gensym has, say, G7. Ostensibly, that’s fine but becomes an issue if I run another instance of Idio and load that (generated) file back in. My new instance of Idio might have already generated gensym G7 for another purpose and now we’ve loaded something in that thinks it has G7 all to itself.

Not great.

So, in an ideal world, when we recognise that we are printing a gensym we should prefix it with an Idio instance-specific GUID giving the generated code names such as THE-GUID-PART:G07 which should minimize the risks of cross-pollution. My GUID theory isn’t great but I suspect that a GUID itself is no guarantee of uniqueness so some more work required but the basic principle is workable.


function gensym [prefix]

generate a new unique symbol using prefix if supplied or g followed by /

Such gensyms are not guaranteed to be unique if saved.

function symbol? value

is value a symbol

function symbol->string symbol

return a string constructed from the UTF-8 Unicode code points in symbol

See also string->symbol.

function symbols

return a list of all symbols


Keywords are very similar to symbols – and perhaps should be consolidated into symbols using a putative IDIO_SYMBOL_FLAG_KEYWORD – but serve a slightly different purpose. Like symbols they are a word but must begin with a :, U+003A (COLON).

They exist as semantic flags – rather than as symbols’ programmatic flags – to be used to identify optional arguments to functions. Think of a function with many possible optional arguments and if you only want to set the foo optional parameter you might invoke:

func formals :foo arg

There is a constraint on the possible keywords in that in order to avoid clashing with the definition operators, := etc., then the characters of a keyword after the : must not start with a punctuation character, (through ispunct(3)).

So :foo=bar is fine but :=bar is not – and will be interpreted as a symbol.

Defining in C

Essentially, identical to defining symbols in C.


Essentially identical to symbols except with the word “symbol” crossed out and “keyword” written in in crayon.


function make-keyword s

make a keyword from the symbol or string s

function keyword? value

is value a keyword

function keyword->string keyword

return a string constructed from the UTF-8 Unicode code points in keyword

function keywords

return a list of all keywords

function make-keyword-table [size]

used for constructing property tables

function keyword-ref kt keyword [default]

return the value associated with keyword keyword from the keyword table kt or default if supplied

If keyword is not defined in kt and default is not supplied then an ^rt-hash-key-not-found-error condition will be raised.

function keyword-set! kt keyword value

set the value associated with keyword keyword in the keyword table kt to value

Last built at 2025-03-12T07:10:55Z+0000 from 463152b (dev)