Job Control

As mentioned before (and probably will be again) we’re largely following the directions in the info pages on Job Control (in libc or read the online Job Control pages) but there’s a bit more to it.

The Job Control documentation works pretty well for organising single or pipelines of external commands. However, Idio is a programming language and even Bash allows you a few twirls and twists. Consider:

$ /usr/bin/echo hello | wc
      1       1       6

No real surprises (hopefully). Now what about:

$ { sleep 1; echo hello; } | wc
      1       1       6

Hmm, that’s a bit more interesting. We have a shell Group Command as the first “external” process in the pipeline and I’ve subtly altered the echo statement. What’s happening there?

Well, for a start the Group Command is in an external process as the pipeline forces each segment of the pipeline into a child process. But then what happens?

Well, in the right-hand child process, as the child process is just a fork(2) of the original shell then Bash is ready to process what it sees. It sees the external command wc but, importantly, it only sees the single command wc so will execve(2) it in place of itself. It is running in the context of the pipeline, ie. its stdin is connected to the output of the previous part of the pipeline.

For the left-hand child process, again, a child Bash, is ready to process what it sees which is a Group Command. The first command in the group is the external command sleep which the child Bash process runs in the foreground – just like it would have in the main shell. That’s important as running a job in the foreground also involves fork’ing and exec’ing but now it is a child of the child Bash.

sleep will slow things down for a bit. When it completes Bash sees the next command, the builtin command echo which it runs itself – no external command with fork and exec required. This is important as it clearly requires that Bash be running to be able to, uh, run the builtin command.

Of course, the left-hand child process, a Bash, in the pipeline has its stdout connected to the input of the following part of the pipeline and, remembering that child processes inherit their parents file descriptors, the hello\n from echo winds its way through to wc.

So, whilst providing no difference in output (though possibly a difference in timing!) we have something altogether less obvious happening. Whilst the pipeline is ostensibly fork’ing and exec’ing like the Job Control pages suggest, in practice there’s some extra shell’ing in the way.

If we’re a little more inquisitive we can see the two variations:

$ ps -Ht $(tty) | cat -
    PID TTY          TIME CMD
  67896 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
  73717 pts/0    00:00:00   ps
  73718 pts/0    00:00:00   cat

$ { sleep 1; ps -Ht $(tty); } | cat -
    PID TTY          TIME CMD
  67896 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
  73739 pts/0    00:00:00   bash
  73743 pts/0    00:00:00     ps
  73740 pts/0    00:00:00   cat

In the first case it is just two external commands fork’ed and exec’ed. In the second, there is an extra bash process parenting the ps which would have also parented the sleep but it has been and gone.


Broadly, you expect, it’s a case of being a bit more careful with the book keeping. In our case there’s also a problem with who is doing what (and when).

We’ll see in Pipelines and I/O Redirection that pipelines are implemented by a reader operator. In other words, it’s all handled in Idio-land.

Almost. In practice, the | reader operator conspires to arrange the pipeline through a hefty but straight-forward template in which it embeds the original code, the individual command snippets in the pipeline.

Non-pipeline, ie. “simple” commands are handled in two ways. If there’s a specific kind of command, eg. collect-output then, again, the code is arranged in Idio-land with the snippet embedded.

Any other external command and, therefore, those embedded snippets are identified by the VM trying to invoke a symbol, eg. the ls in ls -l (assuming ls isn’t bound to some value). It then asks the system to find an external command on PATH by the name of ls and then will call on the original C implementation of Job Control to actually run the command.

So, echo "hello" will be run from the C implementation and echo "hello" | wc will run through the | reader operator creating two child Idio processes each of which has a splodge of code in which are echo "hello" and wc respectively, each of which will be run by the C implementation.

That’s mostly saying it all boils down to the C implementation to decide whether to fork and exec or just exec.

Does it make a difference? Hmm, mostly no except sometimes maybe yes.

How can we decide? Well, we could decide by looking at the number of things we’re about to run. If there’s more than one then we’re probably looking to run a block of code like the Group Command example. One problem here is that only the Idio-land code knows whether it is embedding more than one command so it would need to flag the decision.

Even if we’re only embedding a single command from Idio, it doesn’t know whether that is an external command (so can be directly exec’ed) or not. If I’ve imported libc then I’ll get the libc/sleep primitive when I call sleep 1. We can’t exec primitives.

But back to that Group Command case. Remember that the (external) commands in the Group Command became children of the sub-Bash. So that’s important (obvious but important) that we are making our decisions about fork’ing and/or exec’ing with respect to the “current” shell which might itself be a child of another shell.

What that’s trying to say is that any measure or comparison with PIDs or PGIDs must maintain some concept of what is current. It’s not (always) going to be the values for the original shell.

Process Groups

On the subject of Process Groups a naïve port of the Job Control code gets us into trouble. This manifested itself, for me, as my editor disappearing and being logged out of my development machine. Hmm, that’s odd!

I thought it was me for a while until I realised I was leaving a trail of Asynchronous Commands and the Linux Out Of Memory killer was having a field day with me.

The problem partly lies in the expectations of that Job Control implementation. It is predicated on, an is expecting to be, running external commands whereas we’ve just seen that in practice we’re only ever running more Idio (cf. Bash) expressions – which may or may not include external commands.

What makes it worse are those asynchronous commands which, come the end of the shell’s lifetime need to be handled like stopped jobs.

The Job Control code only sets the process group ID if the shell is interactive. The underlying reason, here, being that:

A subshell that runs non-interactively cannot and should not support job control. It must leave all processes it creates in the same process group as the shell itself; this allows the non-interactive shell and its child processes to be treated as a single job by the parent shell.

Initializing the Shell

There’s two problems here. Firstly, we don’t set the PGID at all if we’re non-interactive and secondly, we need to kill off any outstanding asynchronous commands when Idio shuts down. For the latter, of course, we could do with a PGID.

Us not setting a PGID means the job runs with whatever PGID it inherits from its parent. This brings an interesting shutdown question as if we walk over our list of jobs and send the job’s PGID a terminal signal, we’ll get that signal, in the middle of sending signals to jobs.

Ostensibly, that’s a who cares? moment as that means the job is done, right? Well, as we’re about to suggest, perhaps not all jobs are going to be in the same process group.

The Bash authors have a long comment in process_substitute() in subst.c which boils down to “asynchronous commands should be in their own process group”. It’s a bit more complicated than that as Bash only does that if there had been a job control enabled instance somewhere in its process history.

Is this important? Sort of. Nominally, with Job Control there is an expectation that a non-interactive shell has all of its children in the same process group so that its own parent can treat it like a single job. As soon as we put job in separate process groups, for whatever reason, then we’re breaking that mould.

By way of alternative, we could handle asynchronous jobs on termination by identifying that the PGID is 0 then walking over the individual processes in the job and sending them a SIGTERM individually. Which is fine but we’ll get a tirade of SIGCHLDs on the back of various exits and signals depending on what everyone was doing.

That’s not a brilliant alternative, though, as not sending a SIGTERM to the entire process group (but merely the processes we know about) means we’ll miss a proportion of the processes involved. Not looking quite so clever.

It’s all a bit… meh!

Revisiting the algorithm, then, we’ll set the process’ PGID and the job structure’s field if we are an asynchronous command.

If Idio is given to exit then alongside any stopped jobs we can also send a SIGTERM to any asynchronous commands.

Floating around here are another couple of bits of house-keeping:

  • libc/fork disables interactivity in the child, job-control/%idio-interactive becomes #f

    Only the original Idio can be interactive with the controlling tty, right? Assuming it was an interactive session in the first place.

  • we must set %idio-jobs to #n in the child Idio

    This is because the parent Idio accumulates a merry collection of asynchronous commands. If we’re not careful then any child Idio inherits this list meaning that it, and any other inheritor has a nice list of asynchronous commands that it thinks it is in the position of sending a SIGTERM to when the inheritor comes to exit.


There’s another, somewhat anomalous, bit of behaviour in the example code. I might have missed something but in the launch_job() function it says:

if (!shell_is_interactive)
  wait_for_job (j);
else if (foreground)
  put_job_in_foreground (j, 0);
  put_job_in_background (j, 0);

which says to me that if we are not interactive then we will always call wait_for_job().

That’s not looking so clever for any jobs you want to run in the background like almost every single initialisation script for a daemon. If you’re not interactive, like a daemon initialisation script, then you don’t get to run the job in the background and then exit. You hang about for the job to complete (which, presumably, it won’t).

put_job_in_foreground() also calls wait_for_job() but in the middle of two bits of terminal handling.

It seems to me, that put_job_in_foreground() should be testing for interactivity around the terminal handling and therefore satisfying the nominal “foreground” job for interactive and non-interactive cases leaving a “background” job to be left to run in the background in the expected way.

Forking Hell

[ Surely no-one, documenting a shell, can resist that title? I know I can’t! ]

Most of the time we’re merrily launching jobs and, by and large, we collect them all up again.

However, we have released fork(2) upon our suspecting public and things can go subtly wrong.

Here’s the problem. If I, independently from Idio’s official Job Control mechanisms, fork and exec stuff then Idio doesn’t know anything about it. I might fork a sub-Idio, let it do its thing and then in the parent Idio call waitpid(2) with the child PID I just forked.

Surprisingly (to me) this works without an issue rather a lot of the time but doesn’t always. Sometimes libc/waitpid fails because there is “no child PID.” Spooky!

The problem is that Idio gets a signal that a child has died and starts reaping PIDs. All of them that have died. Normally these are elements of a job and the job gets updated by mark-process-status.

If those include your independent PID then… well, Idio doesn’t know anything about it. All it can do is shovel it in a table of “stray” PIDs.

We can now have libc/waitpid do some checking. If the system called failed and the error was ECHILD then we’ll take a look in the table of stray PIDs and pluck the stashed results out of there. Otherwise we’ll return the previous stock answer of (0, #n).

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