Lambda Lifting

Technically, we’re looking at both closure conversion and lambda lifting but the title captures the overall goal.

It turns out we’re (accidentally) pretty close but there’s still some hard yards ahead.

The Problem

Yet another problem noted when debugging is that some functions seem to be called repeatedly but not a lot of times. For example, map2 appears several thousand times after running the test suite but each map2 is only called a few times – and, for about two-thirds of those, is called only once. What’s going on?

map2 is a recursive function defined inside the function assigned to map in lib/bootstrap/s9-syntax.idio. In essence it is:

map := {

  function (f & a*) {
    map2 :+ function (a* r) {
       if (null? (ph a*)) {
         reverse! r
       } {
         map2 (pt-of a*) (pair (apply f (ph-of a*))

    map2 a* #n

Hmm. map2 is called at the end of the (to-be-assigned) map function and for the recursive loops of map2 inside itself.

But we also get to see the reason why we see so many instances of map2. The (to-be-assigned) map function’s body looks like:

  1. create a function called map2

  2. invoke it

Every time we call this map function we’ll create a new closure called map2. Doh!

The Scale of the Problem

As to the scale of the problem, if we look at some late-0.2 VM stats from a run of the test suite we can observe, with a sprig of debug, that the evaluator sees around 2200 abstractions (some of these will be closed applications) and subsequently that the VM creates around 189,000 closures.

And takes about 10% of the test suite’s running time to do so.

The Solution

Hence the (overall goal) of lambda lifting, the idea that, if we satisfy certain conditions, then we could redefine map2 as a top-level function and call it instead:

lifted-map2 := function (a* r) {
   if (null? (ph a*)) {
     reverse! r
   } {
     lifted-map2 (pt-of a*) (pair (apply f (ph-of a*))

map := {

  function (f & a*) {

    lifted-map2 a* #n

which looks cool’n’all but has a slight problem. lifted-map2 refers to f, the function-to-be-applied, that was passed to the map function. If we naïvely evaluate lifted-map2, we will be looking for an f in the top-level instead.

The obvious solution is to pass it along in turn:

lifted-map2 := function (f a* r) {
   if (null? (ph a*)) {
     reverse! r
   } {
     lifted-map2 f (pt-of a*) (pair (apply f (ph-of a*))

map := {

  function (f & a*) {

    lifted-map2 f a* #n

Which is easy enough to do in this case but becomes something of a bore in general.

Closure Conversion

So we come to the first part of the solution, closure conversion.

If you “read all about it” you’ll discover that the key to success is to replace your function with a combination of a function and environment, together being called a closure.

At which point we say, “hang on, don’t we already do that?” Why, yes, yes we do.

So it turns out that we’re already halfway there thanks to (blindly!) following Queinnec in [Que94] with our handling of functions.

There’s a little bit more to it than that, though.

They key aspect of this environment for the lambda lifting trick to work is the handling of free variables. Here we need to get quite precise.

  • there are global variables which don’t count in our analysis because they are global and can be gotten by anyone

  • there are the parameters to the function we want to lift which also don’t count because they will be supplied to us as arguments whether we’re a nested or global function

  • that leaves those remaining variables in the function we want to lift which are (usually) someone else’s parameters (in a strict Scheme sense) and/or local variables in Idio

Let’s revisit map2:

map2 :+ function (a* r) {
   if (null? (ph a*)) {
     reverse! r
   } {
     map2 (pt-of a*) (pair (apply f (ph-of a*))

There are several global names, things like null?, ph, reverse! and so on. We can ignore all of those.

There are our own parameters, a* and r, and we can ignore those as well.

That leaves us with, in this case, just f which happens to be a parameter to the (enclosing) map function.

From a closure conversion perspective, then, the environment we need to pass should contain f.

Hmm. As it turns out, then, we can’t do any lambda lifting of map2 because of its use of the free variable f. Let’s carry on thinking the problem through, though.

Thanks to Queinnec, though, when we came to define map2 at the start of the map function all of our CREATE-CLOSURE code falls into place, including references to f as index 0 of the current (map function’s) frame.

Indeed, the evaluation and code generation for the body of map2 will have correctly identified the reference to f inside map2 as a DEEP-REFERENCE 1 0 (probably) to find f in the 0th index of the frame above the current (map2’s body) frame.

If you recall, the evaluator builds stacks of variable names as it processes bodies of code and then supplies the code generator with diligent dereferences into future linked frames of arguments to function calls. Depending on how deep into sections of code you have gone, your reference to f will be the 0th index of the current frame, the 0th index of the frame beyond that, the 0th index…you get the picture.

The VM, when it sees the CREATE-CLOSURE instruction, will call idio_closure() with the current frame at the time of processing (and various other relevant parts).

But that’s the nub of the issue. It’s the VM calling idio_closure() with the current frame. We’ll come back to this in Limitations, below.

Accidental Design Bonus

The actual code for the map function looks like:

map := {
  ph-of := ph-of
  pt-of := pt-of

  function (f & a*) {

where we kept local copies of (what used to be) two immediately previously defined functions. Those two have now become primitives as part of the earlier efficiency drive but they serve to demonstrate a handy accident. Retaining local references to the original global functions means that this code will always call the primitives even if someone subsequently redefines ph-of or pt-of.

The nominal way of handling these local assignments was a set of nested closed applications which, whilst functional[sic], were a little inefficient.

Instead, we introduced the function+ special form which handles the local variables by extending the current frame with extra pseudo-parameters.

In other words, even local variable assignments now appear in the CREATE-CLOSURE environment and the evaluator and code generator both do the right thing to extract them.

Nothing special to do here, then.


It’s not all plain sailing, though. That the VM calls idio_closure() with the current frame, at the time of execution, is what is going to catch us out.

If we made map2 a top-level function it wouldn’t have this time-of-execution frame available to it when it was created.

What we could do, is replace the CREATE-CLOSURE inside the map function with some, say, SET-CLOSURE-FRAME, opcode which would update the top-level map2 closure with the current frame and let rip.

That seems OK until it becomes possible for map2 to be called more than once in the same execution stack. Here, the top-level function would be given the one frame, then given another frame and won’t get the original frame back before carrying on processing.

As it happens, the calls to map2, in particular, are all in tail position so we can merrily stamp over the top-level closure’s frame with impunity.

Unless there are nested calls to mapDrat!

We get into a similar mess if map2 were passed as an argument to another function or returned from the map function. In either case, there’s an expectation that some other processing will occur and the argument/returned function value will be called, this time with a completely unrelated frame.

However, we’re reliant on the top-level map2 closure being supplied with the right sort of frame to be able to extract the correct f.


There is a side-issue from a code generation perspective while we’re throwing new ideas about. To date we’ve taken a straight-forward, “print what you see” approach to code generation. Here, though, we might take a step back.

The code representing the body part of a closure is self-contained and position independent. It could be put anywhere so long as the dereferences into the stack of frames lines up.

The wider CREATE-CLOSURE code looks, you may recall, like:

  1. the CREATE-CLOSURE opcode plus:

    • the function body’s starting PC

    • static features such as:

      • name

      • signature string

      • documentation string

  2. a jump to the instruction beyond the end of the function body’s code

  3. the function body’s code (obviously, the PC above is the start of this)

  4. the rest of the program

Hmm. In the spirit of lambda lifting, we could put the (jump and) the function body’s code at the top-level and adjust the PC passed to CREATE-CLOSURE accordingly.

That would leave the map function’s body looking like:

  • the CREATE-CLOSURE opcode for map2

  • a (tail-recursive) function call to map2

rather then having the entirety of the map2 function’s body code embedded in it.

Lambda Lifting I

Creating closures is quite involved with various properties to be associated with the closure as well as the closure itself. However, most of that work is essentially static. The closure body and properties are unchanged from run to run. The only thing that is changing is that frame that the VM is going to associate with the closure at run-time.

Maybe we want a two-step shimmy:

  1. lift all closure definitions up to the top level and create a top level instance of the closure with a CREATE-FUNCTION opcode

    This is, in principle, a perfectly good closure – top level because at the time it is processed, the VM won’t have a frame of enclosing environments. In practice, we don’t give it a (lifted) name but merely stuff it into a value slot and use the index to that value in step 2.

  2. at the point where we would have had the CREATE-CLOSURE with the full implementation, simply replace that with a cloning CREATE-CLOSURE opcode which takes a reference to the top level instance, cloning most of it, plus the all-important VM frame

In doing this, we’ve shifted the nested function’s body code off to the top leaving the enclosing function’s body with the barest minimum byte code to recreate the effect.

Lambda Lifting II

Ideally, we would have the evaluator recognise that a nested closure definition does not use any free variables and we can replace the dynamic CREATE-CLOSURE with a simple function call to the (now global) lifted closure.

That, however, requires revisiting the evaluator. TBD.

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