Idio Object System¶
Tiny CLOS, as described in the previous section, is clearly the way to go. There are other real-world implementations that we can, *coughs*, learn from and re-imagine.
Let’s start with trying to visualize the user experience and then ask how we might implement it.
User Interface¶
We want a reasonably clean user interface where we want do the heavy lifting behind the scenes.
I think there’s probably only three regular user interfaces:
, define-method
and make-instance
I can see a few variations on a theme, here:
define-class A ; A is implicitly a sub-class of <object>
define-class B A ; B is a sub-class of A
define-class C (A) ; C is also a sub-class of A just passed as a list
define-class D (B C) ; D is a sub-class of both B and C
If we want to pass slot names, they should just appear as a list
tacked on the end. The only problem was with the definition of A
where we didn’t pass a super-class. We’ll have to explicitly pass
(or, <object>
, I suppose, but best left for the system to
define-class A #n a b c
define-class B A b c d
define-class C (A) c d e
define-class D (B C) d e f
Here, I’ve deliberately given some over-lapping slot names. Slot names are not special, either by class or order. They just need to be distinct.
In this case, D
’s slots are d e f b c a
which is more or less
related to D
’s CPL, D B C A <object> <top>
, but there’s
nothing special about that. C
’s slots are c d e a b
seems completely different but really doesn’t matter. The point is
that they have those slots, not what order they are in.
When we are defining slots we probably want to define or declare some initial value and/or means for the user to override the initial value.
For the declaration, we might allow the slot to be declared with some
slot options such as (name :initform func)
where the plain
slot name, as used above, might be equivalent to (name
:initform default-slot-value)
and default-slot-value is a primitive returning, say, #f
When the user comes to create an instance of a class they might want
to override init-expr
. Taking the lead from
Swindle, the use of :initarg
is interesting:
define-class A #n a (b) (c :initarg :cee)
The slot a
has no :initarg
, it will just get the
The slot b
, because it was declared in a list, will get an
implicit :initarg
of :b
unless an explicit :initarg
supplied, as in the case for slot c
a1 := make-instance A
b1 := make-instance A :b 2 ; slot b is 2
c1 := make-instance A :cee 3 ; slot c is 3
Any slots not explicitly overridden will get the default-slot-value value.
Generic methods, whilst fundamental to the workings of the object system, are, in some way, incidental to the usage of the object system. The creation of a generic function is exactly the sort of chore that users will forget to do.
STklos covers that by having a macro (template),
, which ensures that the underlying generic function
is created before adding the method to the generic function. That
seems much more reasonable.
Users will be reasoning about the behaviour of (their part of) the object system through the classes they create and the methods associated with those classes. Anything else is administrative guff.
So, as seen previously:
define-method (foo arg1 (arg2 D) (arg3 B)) {
implicitly defines the generic function foo
(if foo
is not
already defined as a generic function) and will add a three-argument
method where arg1
has no specializer (therefore defaulting to
), arg2
is specialized for class D
and arg3
specialized for class B
From the argument list to define-method
we’ll have a function-like
(name & formals)
and each formal argument can be
(name class)
or just name
On the one hand, we can walk around collecting the formal parameter
names for the function to go in the method procedure
slot and on
the other hand walk around collecting the specializer classes
(defaulting to <top>
) for the method specializers
shouldn’t be left to do anything much of interest.
Let’s try to flesh this out.
One obvious change to Tiny CLOS is to follow in the footsteps of STklos and put the object system bootstrap in C.
A first pass suggests that compute-apply-generic
is very slow in
pure Idio and, like STklos, could do with a
C variant.
Memory Model¶
Pure Scheme doesn’t have rich data types but Idio does and collections of named values sounds very much like structs.
In practice, much of the element access can be managed through direct indexing which Idio structs support.
This will cause us some issues in that we now need to distinguish between regular struct-instances and a self-describing object system layered on top.
The existing C construction uses a combination of enums which is partly as a result of experimentation but is also sort of correct.
We have four kinds of instance structure:
all instances have a meta-class and an instance proc
An actual instance (of a class) will have a further
slots based on its meta-class.class instances (sigh, unhelpful name overloading), by which I mean things like
, then have, in addition to the meta-class and instance proc slots, the Tint CLOS slots, slightly massaged:name
– useful for debug if nothing elsedirect-supers
which will now takes the form:
(... (name init-function getter [setter]) ...)
There’s a little STklos-trick we can pull here. Rather than the Tiny CLOS-style function-getter – which defaults to, essentially,
(vector-ref vector index)
– we can optionally, and by default, put an integer.We can then test
to see if it is an integer and, if so, we can call the C equivalent of %struct-instance-ref-direct ourselves. Ifgetter
is a function then we can invoke it.
generic function instances have slots:
method instances have slots:
As soon as you have a data structure of any complexity (and a self-referential one sure fits that description) then you’ll want something to tell you what you have in your hands:
Idio> dump-instance initialize
generic of <generic>:
name: initialize
documentation: "...blah blah..."
methods: (<method> <top>)
(<generic> <top>)
(<class> <top>)
(<object> <top>)
Idio> dump-instance <class>
class <class>:
d-slots:(name direct-supers direct-slots cpl slots nfields getters-n-setters)
cpl:(<class> <object> <top>)
slots:(name direct-supers direct-slots cpl slots nfields getters-n-setters)
gns:((getters-n-setters #<PRIM default-slot-value> 6) (nfields #<PRIM default-slot-value> 5) (slots #<PRIM default-slot-value> 4) (cpl #<PRIM default-slot-value> 3) (direct-slots #<PRIM default-slot-value> 2) (direct-supers #<PRIM default-slot-value> 1) (name #<PRIM default-slot-value> 0))
Last built at 2025-03-12T07:10:52Z+0000 from 463152b (dev)