The Idio GC

Once you have a GC, everything looks like it can be allocated! Which is broadly true albeit for a slightly different reason.

One thing I try to bear in mind is that the underlying C implementation is something of a bootstrap. Ideally, we should be able to implement the entire Idio engine in, er, Idio which requires that the values being manipulated by the C engine are able to be manipulated by the putative Idio engine as and when the replacement engine takes over.

Hmm, that rather circular description was meant to say that we should not be implementing, say, linked lists internally in a funny way in C but rather use the same data structures as Idio uses, ie. pairs.

This then extends to all values that a putative Idio engine might need to use, lexical frames, threads, continuations etc., such that they are manageable by Idio itself.

That requires a little expansion. Like with pairs, it doesn’t mean that Idio needs to understand or even be able to directly access the nitty gritty of what are, obviously, C values on the heap but rather that it has the ability to create and manipulate them enough that it can do whatever is necessary for its job. In the case of pairs, it has ph and pt (and set-ph! and set-pt!) – but it doesn’t know what the implementation of those look like in C.

(Nor do we, yet!)

Not everything is allocated through the garbage collector. We will be implementing a byte compiler and virtual machine for which a long stream of bytes are required acting as The Program. Generating those bytes does sometimes involve a little complexity for which I decided to use some simple reference counting system as I couldn’t see an Idio implementation of an Idio engine requiring access and the simpler the data structure the quicker the access for the virtual machine.

The basic rules are:

  1. special case the VM’s program

  2. one-off entities, eg. the GC itself are handled manually

  3. everything else is garbage collected

Values & Objects

When discussing Idio entities I’m going to try to use value everywhere to mean a construction in C memory. I want to try to avoid using the word object because of its overloaded association with OOP – which we won’t be doing either.

I expect I will fail. There are no objects, only values.


Before diving in we should be aware of some interesting/annoying behaviours with our C hats on.

We will be creating Idio values in C – obviously, because that’s the only place that can create Idio values. However, the GC operates using a list of roots which are established somewhere but not obviously in our little lexical C snippet.

A lot of the time that isn’t going to be an issue as our C snippet is “in and out” and there’s no chance of the GC running. However, there are several occasions when we will call some functionality that will in turn invoke some Idio code and once the Idio VM starts running it is free to call the GC at any time it chooses.

If the GC is run, it will walk down the list of roots (and recurse etc.) but at no time will it find our C lexical variable. So the value will be freed-up underneath the feet of the C function. When the code eventually unwinds back to the C function, it will be none-the-wiser that the lexical variable is now invalid and some entertaining debugging can begin.

That’s partly the reason for IDIO_ASSERT() being plastered everywhere!

We have a couple of choices to protect ourselves during this period:

  • we can add anything we want to keep to the list of roots

    In one sense this is pretty obvious but breaks down when you have “a lot” of lexical variables and/or a nested tree of functions with lexical variables.

    This isn’t ideal, though, as if the code raises an error and siglongjmp(3)s then our C function won’t be resumed to take the value off the list of roots.

    Hence, the second option:

  • we can “pause” the GC until we return here

There’s a slight qualifier to pausing the GC. If the invoked code raises an error and the C code siglongjmp(3)s then we’ll never return to the C function which is patiently waiting to “unpause” the GC. So long as the sigsetjmp(3) code is expecting that (and can “reset” the paused-ness of the GC to some previously safe state) then we’re good to go.

The GC

The GC object itself is a data structure which keeps track of:

  • used - the list of values

  • roots - the list of root values

  • grey - the grey list used during a collection – should be NULL at other times

  • pause

    This gives us the ability to block “critical sections” from having the collector run during them.

    It is an integer allowing nested parties to “pause” and “unpause” the GC reasonably sensibly. Most of the time we emerge back into a “not being paused” state….

    The danger of over-pausing is that there will be a build up of values waiting to be collected resulting in a longer collection.

  • flags

    Only two at the moment:

    1. IDIO_GC_FLAG_REQUEST – a collection has been requested but is subject to pause

    2. IDIO_GC_FLAG_FINISH – we’ve started shutting down so don’t engage in superfluous debugging *grr!*

  • stats

As a partial defence against appalling efficiency I added:

  • free - a list of previously used values which have not yet been free(3)d and are available for re-use.

The operation of the GC is the tri-colour algorithm described previously.

Back in the real world, there is plenty of work being done with garbage collectors and many projects use the Boehm GC. OpenJDK is now using the Shenandoah GC.

GC Code-base

src/gc.h defines all the value types and their accessors and flags and …. It also defines the IDIO type itself which is a pointer to an idio_t/struct idio_s:

typedef unsigned char idio_type_e;
typedef unsigned char IDIO_FLAGS_T;

struct idio_s {
    idio_type_e type;        /* up to 255 types */
    IDIO_FLAGS_T gc_flags;   /* GC colours etc. */
    IDIO_FLAGS_T flags;      /* 8 generic type flags: const, etc. */
    IDIO_FLAGS_T tflags;     /* 8 type-specific flags */

    union idio_s_u {
        idio_foo_t   foo;
        idio_bar_t   bar;
    } u;

typedef struct idio_s idio_t;
typedef idio_t* IDIO;


That last line is key: an IDIO, a pointer to an idio_t/struct idio_s is our stock Idio type.

Everything passed around in C is an IDIO which, as it is a pointer, gives rise to the notion that we are always referring to a value. We never pass a value per se.

(Numbers and Constants will break that notion but let’s roll with it.)


src/gc.c concerns itself with allocating memory, accounting, garbage collection. It does not perform value initialisation.

Individual value constructors will ask for a base value from the GC (which might be allocated from the heap or returned from the free list) and initialise them themselves. They will allocate any more memory required (through the GC for accounting purposes) – think of the extra memory required for a string.

When a value can be freed, the GC will call a value-specific free-ing function – which can free, say, the extra memory required for the string, updating the stats – before the GC will chose whether to add the value to the free list or actually free(3) it.


For a class of values you might want to run some code to tidy up, usually, finite system resources.

The classic example is Unix file descriptors. With a GC, we might create a value with the opened file descriptor somewhere inside it but the nature of a garbage-collected language means we don’t close(2) the file descriptor explicitly in user-code – as we don’t know who is still referencing the value until a GC sweep reveals it has been orphaned.

When we do come to collect the value which, to the GC, means to free(3) it, we need to interject because we need to perform some final actions which affect something other than the GC. For the file descriptor, that is to call close(2).

We could put the close(2) call in the nominal idio_free_file_handle() code but it is more generic to associate the value with a finaliser function and have the GC invoke the finaliser with the value.

If we were feeling particularly keen that could be an Idio-level user-defined function – but we’re not, so this is a C-level functionality.

Value Code-base and Life-cycle

That description gives the following broad code structure and value life-cycle for some putative “foo” type.

Take note of the consistency of the naming, generally:

  1. idio_ (or IDIO_ – you’ll get the picture)

  2. functional area which might be

    • TYPE_ for the GC or

    • foo_ for matters related to our “foo” value

  3. differentiator which might be

    • FOO as the distinguishing type name for the GC

    • free() for the GC-related function


There are three sections of interest:

  1. defining a unique type number

    #define IDIO_TYPE_FOO     99

    IDIO_TYPE_FOO will be used throughout the code-base. There will be large switch statements handling each possible Idio type. The usual culprits are:

    • src/gc.c to handle GC

    • src/util.c to handle both equality and printing

  2. defining the C struct and accessors for the value, say:

    typedef struct idio_foo_s {
        int i;
    } idio_foo_t;
    #define IDIO_FOO_I(S)     ((S)->

    There is room for 8 bits of type-specific flags. For example, handles have read and write flags:

    #define IDIO_FOO_FLAG_NONE                0
    #define IDIO_FOO_FLAG_THIS                (1<<0)
    #define IDIO_FOO_FLAG_THAT                (1<<1)
    typedef struct idio_foo_s {
        int i;
    } idio_foo_t;
    #define IDIO_FOO_I(F)     ((F)->
    #define IDIO_FOO_FLAGS(F) ((F)->tflags)
  3. adding the value to the IDIO struct’s union

    struct idio_s {
        union idio_s_u {
            idio_foo_t          foo;
        } u;

If your value can refer to or “contain” other Idio values then you must have a grey pointer for the garbage collector to use – and we see the requirement to use the “not defined yet” struct idio_s *, aka. IDIO:

#define IDIO_TYPE_BAR        100

typedef struct idio_bar_s {
    struct idio_s *grey;
    struct idio_s *ref;
    int j;
} idio_bar_t;

#define IDIO_BAR_GREY(B)     ((B)->
#define IDIO_BAR_REF(B)      ((B)->
#define IDIO_BAR_J(B)        ((B)->

If your value structure is “large” (probably more than three pointers-worth but see the commentary in struct idio_s for specifics) then your entry in the struct idio_s union should be a pointer and your accessor macros must reflect that:

#define IDIO_TYPE_BAZ        101

typedef struct idio_baz_s {
    struct idio_s *grey;
    struct idio_s *ref;
    int k;
} idio_baz_t;

#define IDIO_BAZ_GREY(B)     ((B)->u.baz->grey)
#define IDIO_BAZ_REF(B)      ((B)->u.baz->ref)
#define IDIO_BAZ_K(B)        ((B)->u.baz->k)

struct idio_s {
    union idio_s_u {
        idio_baz_t          *baz;    /* now a pointer */
    } u;


Most foo related functionality exists in foo.c and foo.h.

Everything should be fairly formulaic.

A value constructor is idio_foo and returns an IDIO.

It will be passed any relevant arguments although what form those take and whether they relate to the fields of the struct are value-dependent. For example, a string value is quite likely to be created from a C string or possibly from an existing Idio string – that means there isn’t an idio_string() function but rather two variants.

In this example, we’re being passed an IDIO initialiser for i although we don’t see how that value is converted into the C int of the struct:

IDIO idio_foo (IDIO i)
    IDIO_ASSERT (i);

    IDIO f = idio_gc_get (IDIO_TYPE_FOO);

    IDIO_FOO_I (f) = ...;

    return f;

A predicate, idio_isa_foo, (and rather than idio_foop because of type and inheritance complications):

int idio_isa_foo (IDIO o)
    IDIO_ASSERT (o);

    return idio_isa (o, IDIO_TYPE_FOO);

The Idio-level predicate, foo?, will call this and return a boolean.

The C macro, IDIO_TYPE_ASSERT(type, value) is simply a call to idio_isa_type (value).

(I notice that o is representative of “object”. *sigh*)

A value destructor is idio_free_foo:

void idio_free_foo (IDIO f)
    IDIO_ASSERT (f);
    IDIO_TYPE_ASSERT (foo, f);

    /* nothing to do for a foo */

You’ll then have a bunch of accessors and other “foo”-related functions.

Finally some generic housekeeping:

void idio_init_foo ();
void idio_foo_add_primitives ();
void idio_final_foo ();


  • idio_init_foo() is called early on to allow you to perform any basic initialisation. You might need to be careful of the ordering in idio_init() in src/idio.c.

  • idio_foo_add_primitives() is a mechanism to add your primitive functions to Idio. This is called after all the idio_init_X functions have been called.

  • idio_final_foo() is called late on to let you clean up any objects you created in idio_init_foo()

    We like to keep a tidy ship!


The bar type was a little more interesting in that we have to remember to set IDIO_BAR_GREY to NULL. The grey pointer has to be set to NULL by someone, we could have had yet another switch statement in the GC but I’ve settled for here in the value initialisation code:

IDIO idio_bar (IDIO ref, IDIO j)
    IDIO_ASSERT (ref);
    IDIO_ASSERT (j);

    IDIO b = idio_gc_get (IDIO_TYPE_BAR);

    IDIO_BAR_REF (b) = ref;
    IDIO_BAR_J (b) = ...;

    return b;


The baz type was more interesting still in that we have to allocate some more memory for the baz field in the idio_t union:

IDIO idio_baz (IDIO ref, ..., IDIO k)
    IDIO_ASSERT (ref);
    IDIO_ASSERT (k);

    /* this is just the idio_t part */
    IDIO b = idio_gc_get (IDIO_TYPE_BAZ);

    /* now allocate the space for baz_t */
    IDIO_GC_ALLOC (b->u.baz, sizeof (idio_baz_t));

    /* now these macros make sense */
    IDIO_BAZ_REF (b) = ref;
    IDIO_BAZ_K (b) = ...;

    return b;

Remember to de-allocate the memory in idio_free_baz:

void idio_free_baz (IDIO f)
    IDIO_ASSERT (f);
    IDIO_TYPE_ASSERT (baz, f);

    /* book-keeping! */
    idio_gc_stats_free (sizeof (idio_baz_t));

    free (b->u.baz);


We saw a couple of calls into the allocator part of the GC:

IDIO idio_gc_get (idio_type_e type)
    IDIO_C_ASSERT (type);

    IDIO o = /* check free list or allocate */;

    /* reset flags etc. */

    /* push onto used list */

    return o;

and IDIO_GC_ALLOC is a simple macro:

#define IDIO_GC_ALLOC(p,s)   (idio_gc_alloc ((void **)&(p), s))

and idio_gc_alloc handles stats for idio_alloc which calls malloc(3) and handles errors (and does some memset(3) in debug mode).


The GC does some work. At the time of writing just to start up and shut down I see that it grinds through, amongst other things, 1.5 million pairs. Only 131 thousand of those were still “in use” as the GC shut down. I say, only, but what are they being used for?

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