Garbage Collection¶
This is not an academic treatise nor even a very good summary. It’s what I can remember to say about what I know about Garbage Collection.
I knew someone who created a multi-user chat system as a student project. Impressed, I asked about their use of memory allocation.
What’s memory allocation?
Oh. Dear.
The problem is what to do with values that you create during the processing of your language. You will be creating values that other parts of the system are going to reference. How do you manage the memory when they stop being referenced? You are unlikely (see sidebox) to be creating them with automatic variables so you’ll be allocating them on the C heap and hoping (against hope?) that someone will remember to free them up.
You could not bother freeing stuff up until the process exits but, er, good luck with scaling that attitude up.
I’m going to start by suggesting there are two broad categories of handling memory management: reference counting and garbage collection. The chapter title probably gives away a clue about where we’re headed but in fact both are used in Idio for reasons that mostly boil down to, “it seemed a good idea at the time”.
Reference counting is like the way files in a Unix filesystem are handled. Each time the underlying inode is referenced in a directory the reference count increments. Each time a process opens the file the reference count increments.
Careful analysis of the above reveals the old tea-time trick of opening a file, unlinking the file name and then writing rubbish into the file. The operating system says the disk is full but there is no large file to be found. Ho ho ho!
In the meanwhile, as the reference counting mechanism is going about its business, if any of the reference counts drops to zero then it can free the value. Easy and immediate (which is another bugbear of garbage collection).
Reference counting was a thing in programming languages but I get the impression that there is a move towards garbage collection.
Garbage collection is subtly different. Rather than have a reference count associated with the value in memory the garbage collector firstly maintains a list of all known values that have been allocated. That’s as simple as having a pointer in the allocated value which becomes the linked list of all known values.
You create values and use them as you see fit. Eventually you’ll stop using them and … well, nothing. Nothing happens when you stop referencing a value, it just hangs about.
So, secondly, and this is where the time honoured complaints about garbage collection come in, every now and again the garbage collector will decide it’s time to tidy up – during which time user-level processing effectively stops. The garbage collector will look at the set of “root” values which are broadly:
the list of values declared at top level
the values currently associated with the current thread of control which will include the lexical values in scope
and trot down that list marking them as “seen”. If any of those values are compound values (pairs, arrays, hashes, etc.) it will recurse down those too.
*cough* maybe more than twice if the implementation is really bad *cough*
Eventually (hint: it has to visit every value at least once, possibly twice so it’s not the quickest process ever), it will have traversed the entire set of “seen” values. Anything left over is, uh, garbage and can be collected (whatever that means but you can broadly assume “freed”).
Historically, this “world-stopping” has been considered A Bad Thing™. If you’re writing some real-time or FinTech “money-time” application then pausing for tens of milliseconds whilst the garbage collector rummages about deciding there’s not much to do is going to be a problem.
For the rest of us, though, actually it’s OK. It isn’t great in the sense that you get non-deterministic pauses in your processing but certainly for us, a shell, it’s OK.
Where it is not OK, or at least where we have to be leery, is that the garbage collector runs and will therefore free-up values some time after the values were last actively in use. Most of the time that isn’t a concern but there are occasions when it is.
Consider allocating a value that is associated with some finite operating system resource like a file descriptor. Suppose we create a bunch of files, do our thing, then stop referencing those values which now leaves us with all our file descriptors “in use”. We can’t open another file because we can’t get a file descriptor because they’re all locked away inside values waiting to be freed. Oops!
You might argue that, especially in the case of file descriptors, you could explicitly close(2) the file descriptors. Which is true but is a clumsy interference in automatic memory management. You were happy to allow someone else to manage the malloc(3)/free(3) and you should be happy to extend that management to other (considerably less finite) system resources.
The fix, for what it is worth, is that the code that opens a file
needs to be aware that amongst the system errors coming its way are
(a per-process limit on the number of open files) and
(a system-wide limit on the number of open files) and in
either case pro-actively invoke the garbage collector. It should do
this in a loop so that if a first attempt to open a file fails with
it should call the garbage collector and try
again. Second time round says you’re clean out of luck and an
appropriate error message should be raised.
Let’s refer (ho ho) to the GC from now on.
GC Types¶
You might further divide GCs into two types. Firstly a copying GC and then a mark and sweep GC.
A copying GC in effect allows you up to half of available memory. That’s because the way it handles “seen” values is to literally copy them from half A to half B (maintaining a list of moves so that you can patch up any later references to previously moved values). You can then carry on allocating in the remaining space in side B until it is time to repeat the process from side B back to side A.
This has one very clear advantage in that after every GC the allocated memory is compacted.
I’ve not implemented this though it might have some mileage for an Emacs-style “undump” functionality.
A mark and sweep GC works by tagging values with colours, usually white, grey and black. Initially all values are tagged white except the “roots” which are marked grey. You can then:
pick a value from the grey list
mark this value as black
each white value this value directly references should be moved to the grey list
repeat until the grey list is empty
With the grey list empty, any remaining white values can be cleaned up.
Here, you might see:
an iteration over the whole list of values tagging everything as white
(You can mitigate this by alternating the sense of black and white so that you roll white-grey-black on one cycle then black-grey-white on the next.)
iterating over all “live” values
iterating over the whole list of values to identify the values to be freed
Hence several iterations over the set of values.
One advantage of the tri-colour method is that it is possible to implement it “on the fly” limiting any stop-the-world effects.
GC Variations¶
We can now throw some variations into the mix.
Generational GCs¶
Here the broad idea is to maintain some idea of the “era” in which the value was allocated. In general, the idea goes, recently allocated values are more likely to be thrown away and therefore you might restrict the set of values you iterate over during GC to the most recent era.
Clearly you need some algorithm to include older and older eras in the GC.
You also start introducing “write barriers” where you need to figure out if someone has updated an older generation value to point at a newer generation value. If you only scan the newer generation values during collection then you’ll miss the link from old to new and think the new can be deleted.
There are any number of opportunities here to reduce the number of calls to malloc(3) and friends and reduce the overhead it introduces. Each malloc(3) call has a two-pointer overhead (for its own machinations) which is a touch inefficient when you’re allocating millions of values.
Suppose instead, we allocated a page of memory at a time – or, wait for it, several pages of memory at a time. Many of our values are a fixed size and we can therefore slot several hundred of that size into a page and be able to access them like an array. Similarly for different sized values with just a different number per page. Weirdly sized things – think strings – might be handled more traditionally.
Clearly we’ll need to maintain some used/free list within the page but if we’re feeling keen we can then rework our value structure and re-factor out common parts, like the GC colours, into page-wide tables, much like the Arenas being discussed in the LuaJIT GC.
Multiple GCs?¶
You probably don’t want to as you’ll step into a complicated and time-rich world. You will quickly result in cross-GC references and not simply in a newer to older sense. Take closures, for example. We could create a closure in one GC and have it returned to another GC. That closure, however, has references back to the first GC. That partly means that the first GC cannot be removed but also complicates the algorithm for marking in-use values which now have to be multi-GC-aware.
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