Extensions Overview¶
We’ll use the JSON5 extension as an example which defines a json5 module.
Inspired by Simon Schoenenberger’s standalone C library for JSON5 I wrote a standalone JSON5 parser/generator which is then bundled into an Idio extension. The standalone part is important, for our purposes, as it demonstrates the ability to hook-in non-Idio code.
There is a little hoop-jumping, perhaps, in that to provide a common
base, the standalone code needs to copy the (generated) Idio
files and uses its own, reduced,
files to create a nominal
shared library.
To create an Idio extension I’ve created two C source files (one would have been enough!):
Here, I’ve put the error handling functions and generic module functions,
idio_init_json5 ()
Which, like
, provides Idio primitives for the underlying JSON5 library functions.
The core JSON5 library files, json5-token.[ch]
etc. are
identical for the standalone and Idio libraries and make no
reference to Idio features.
Ideally, both the Idio module and the standalone code would
call the same libjson5.so
but in this case we have re-used the
USI code which would make things a mess.
How and When?¶
How and when do we know if there is a dynamic shared library to be loaded? There’s lots of possible mechanisms so let’s consider something really basic.
In the bowels of the loader there’s a table of readers and evaluators by filename extension. In practice there’s only one reader and evaluator, today, but we can imagine, say, a reader for pre-compiled Idio code.
We can extend that table, initially for an extension of .so
with some dummy reader – there’s no Idio “reading” (as in
REPL) to be done for a shared library – with, and this is our choice,
the .so
extension coming first. We can further extend the
table with prefixes and suffixes so that we can try a variety of
constructed filenames from a given root, eg. libfoo.so
from the original request to load foo
If, then, when we say load json5
, we find libjson5.so
the “reader” is our dummy reader) then we can choose to
dlopen(3) the shared library and initialise it.
Extending this mechanism a little further and, again, our choice, we
can say, “surely the user will have an associated Idio file
containing relevant functionality?” and, look for an adjacent
file to be loaded with the normal Idio
reader and evaluator.
Note that that is an adjacent .idio
file and not one in a far
directory. The idea being that these two were
installed and meant to be run together. Who knows what that other
file is expecting?
Obviously, the .so
and .idio
might not be in the
literally same directory but certainly in the same hierarchy in a
constructable fashion.
There are any number of problems with architecture-dependent files (shared libraries being one such type) in shared filesystems where you would want The Right Thing™ to happen and so we should expect architecture-dependent and architecture-independent subtrees to form.
The modules code is table-driven in the sense that as modules are
initialised in the C code-base, they register a “finalizer”
function, idio_final_module ()
, which can unwind any data
structures and generally free up memory allocations. Those finalizers
are called in reverse order of initialization.
For our extension we need to be able to hook into that mechanism so
the action immediately after loading a shared library is to
dlsym(3) and call the idio_init_module (void
function, idio_init_json5 (handle)
, in this case.
The void *handle
parameter is the dlopen(3) return
value. I did originally use a regular GC finalizer but it transpired
that the GC would choose an unfortunate time to invoke it, and the
corresponding dlclose(3). Notably before the
idio_final_module ()
function was attempted to be called.
That means the modules tables are extended by an optional void
which can be dlclose(3)’d at a safe time.
This also means that all extension shared libraries must have an
idio_init_module (void *handle)
function. Whether that
function chooses to register a finalizer is up to it. It could be a
no-op but it must exist.
This function signature differs to the core Idio modules
defined in src
which do not take the void *handle
argument. They weren’t dynamically loaded so don’t need a
to be closed.
I suppose you could change all of them to accept a void
and pass NULL
when calling them but that would appear
disingenuous to my eye.
Source Code¶
The initialising function, idio_init_json5 (void *handle)
really is our only required hook – and it needn’t do anything.
However, we do want to do something for our JSON5 module so there are some bits and pieces dotted about.
The JSON5 lexing, tokenizing and parsing all takes place in the
and related files. Remember that this is also
standalone functionality.
We define a
which is remarkably similar to an Idio string in that it is a 1-, 2- or 4-bytes array of Unicode code points.The rest of the struct differs but the array format is identical to Idio meaning it is cheap to copy.
There is also a plethora of ECMAScript-oriented tests – partly a feature of JSON5’s willingness to allow ECMAScript Identifiers as object member names but also to accommodate the various escape sequences that JSON5 strings support.
This is Bjoern Hoehrmann’s DFA-based decoder, again, the same as in Idio whose only real purpose is to transcribe the UTF-8 input stream, here, into a
This constructs
s as part of the tokenizing.json5-parser.c
This validates the JSON5 token stream and returns the aggregated
.It also provides the main C interfaces to parse either a C string or read from a file descriptor.
Note that there is no JSON5 generator, per se, although the
standalone code does have one in the code that uses the library. A
generator need only walk around the json5_value_t
printing out
suitable forms.
JSON5 Module¶
Ostensibly, then, we have two JSON5 parser interfaces: a file descriptor, something we can extract from file (and pipe) handles, and a C string.
We can quickly augment the latter by having a function to create a
from an Idio string and separate
out the parse (json5_unicode_string_t *)
from the parse
(char *)
interfaces and, hey presto,
we have the ability to parse Idio strings as JSON5.
That’s not quite enough on two parts:
the JSON5 API has left us with a
– albeit one that has fairly direct associations with Idio valuesIt’s easy enough, of course, to walk over the
creating the corresponding Idio values as we go.there’s no generator
This time, the generator is slightly more complex. At no time has Idio seen a “native” JSON5 value. JSON5 is a data interchange format and the UTF-8 byte stream has been reified into an Idio value.
The json5_value_t
was an intermediate form. As it happens, that’s
all the standalone code needs but it is of no use in Idio as
Idio wants Idio values.
Clearly, what we want is for an Idio value to be serialised as a UTF8 stream. Idio values can be quite rich – a closure can be the key or value of a hash table, say – so the generator needs to be slightly leery about what is valid JSON5 as it walks over the Idio value.
In fact, we can be a little bit more generous and offer a JSON (rather than JSON5) generator as well which limits the set of valid values further.
The final missing part is error handling. In the standalone code, the
json5_error_printf ()
function prints the message and calls exit
which suffices for its use case.
In our case we want to replace those with raising conditions but that
raises a thorny problem itself. After lots of iterations I finally
had the C code invoke the Idio function
to normalize the way conditions are, um,
That’s great except this JSON5 module wants to create new conditions so we need some way of hooking these new conditions in.
On the C side, the code looks no different to any other
module. Or rather would look no different except that all of the
conditions are bundled into src/condition.[ch]
. That’s purely
an administrative choice, the definitions of the conditions could have
been scattered about the code-base like everything else.
So, all we need do is declare the condition and then call the definition macro:
IDIO_DEFINE_CONDITION0 (idio_condition_rt_json5_error_type, "^rt-json5-error", idio_condition_runtime_error_type);
where it is just another descendent of ^runtime-error
This is where automatically loading the adjacent json5.idio
useful as we can invoke the define-condition-type-accessors-only
calls there.
We still don’t have anything for condition-report
, though. For
that we’ve had to augment it with a helper function,
which records a callback function to be
called when a particular condition type is being reported.
As condition-report
uses a couple of private functions to
construct its message those need to be passed as arguments along with
the original condition.
In the end, nothing too traumatic.
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