There’s a couple of situations we want to be able to handle:
“simple” truncations of the flow of control
These come in a couple of variations themselves:
lexical escapes in the form of
from a function andbreak
in loopsThese allow you to jump around within a lexical block without further ado including “to the end” and therein effectively return from the function prematurely.
error handling
These are a subset of the generic conditions and restarts, below, in that they usually (but not always) involve the truncation of the current state back to some known (and presumably) safe place.
conditions and restarts
In the general case conditions and restarts might involve some programmatic ping-pong as the code figures out what it wants to do.
We must be able to support lexical escapes and error handling with full blown conditions and restarts an interesting opportunity.
There are a few things to think about, though.
First of all, can we solve the problem programmatically, without having to resort to modifying the core engine? If we can, then we are not the limitations on what can be done in Idio. That should be a good thing but might be a bad thing.
Will the solution behave well with useful features like
?Will it impose a (substantial) cost?
One of the particular bugbears, to my mind, is return
. It sounds
simple enough, leave the current function (with a value).
Starting with the basics, then, what’s the current function? We need some sort of representation of where the end of the function is in order that we can go there.
Going there itself can’t be the simple invocation of the RETURN
opcode because that assumes that the value on the top of the stack is
the next PC (program counter) value. If we’re partway through a
function when we see a return
statement then we need, somehow, to
remove the extraneous guff off of the stack.
So we’re looking at some kind of continuation, whose job is to refit the stack to be correct for the saved PC. Of note, at this point, is that this return continuation will always be an unwinding of the stack because we are not jumping into the middle of some saved calculation from far away we are simply truncating the current function to a point equivalent to have run through it completely. This brings up the idea of a delimited continuation where, rather than save the complete state need only save how much to truncate the stack by.
How might we capture this return continuation? We could rewrite the body of the function:
define (foo x) {
x + 1
might become:
define (foo x) {
call/cc (function (return) {
x + 1
which, as a side-effect, happens to give us the lexical variable
, a continuation, which we can invoke: return 0
However, there are several problems here.
In the very first instance, call/cc
is passed a function which,
our rewriting rules will say we should replace with an invocation of
which is passed a function which our rewriting rules
say… Hmm, might take a while to compute.
We could be a bit more specific and only do the rewrite for named
functions, which will, as a handy side-effect, also eliminate all of
the implied functions that get created, for example, those let
statements which transform into a closed function call:
let ((x 10)) {
x + 1
would become:
((function (x) {
x + 1
}) 10)
That something is a named function can only be picked up in
assignment, rather than, definition, because we rewrote “internal”
functions as letrec
assignments – ie. we don’t see the define
word any more.
There is a downside, though, in that any genuine anonymous functions
(like the one we’re passing to call/cc
) cannot use return
we only ever cater for named functions.
OK, not ideal, but let’s run with this a little more.
We now know we are assigning a function to a symbol. If we rewrite the body with a continuation capturing call then we hit another problem. We’ve just rewritten the body. In and of itself that’s not a bad thing, we rewrite stuff a lot. However this time the rewrite includes something that captures the continuation and a continuation requires some allocation of memory to store it.
One off calls to functions are not going to make a huge difference – although across tens of thousands of function calls they will make some difference.
The real problem is loops. Any kind of loop but in particular, fast light loops now become increasing sluggish and heavy loops.
The problem is subtle. We’ve now told the loop to capture a continuation and then call the associated function. The continuation includes a copy of the stack. No problem. We now invoke a function which saves the program state on the stack and then runs its body forms which are the original loop’s body forms. Somewhere in there it will recurse, being a loop and all, whereon it starts again. It’ll capture a continuation including the stack which is now just a little bit larger than the last time we passed through and invoke a function which saves the program state on the stack…
Oh dear, we now have some weird factorial copying of the stack going on and in not very many loops, it turns out, you’ll have filled all available memory with nearly pointless copies of the stack.
We could mitigate this by using delimited continuations but they still require some space and what was a previously (slow!) loop counting to a trillion zillion will now run out of memory long before it reaches its target.
Rewriting the body doesn’t seem to be the answer.
Hmm. But wait, those recursive loop calls are all tail call
invocations. Can we change the code so that we only capture the
continuation for non-tail call invocations? So, assuming it is not in
tail position, the first time we call foo
we’ll save a return
continuation and, somehow, make it available for that and subsequent
tail call invocations.
Of interest at this point, is that if we call a different function in tail position then the original return continuation is still correct for this different function. Don’t forget that a function called in tail position effectively replaces the current function and so the callee the new function returns a value to is the original callee of the function we captured the return continuation for.
define (foo x) (x + 1)
define (bar x) (foo x)
define (baz x) (bar x)
baz 10
This doesn’t generate a hierarchical tree of calls:
baz 10 calls bar 10 calls foo 10 calls 10 + 1
because all of the sub-calls are in tail position, the call “tree” looks like:
baz 10 is replaced by bar 10 is replaced by foo 10 is replaced by 10 + 1
and 11
is returned directly to the top-level – there is no
unwinding back through foo
, bar
and baz
, they have all
been replaced in turn.
The answer is yes, the engine can, and obviously does, make that tail or non-tail call distinction but that assessment is notionally part of the evaluator and not part of the semantic evaluation of the code. This is a little subtle, it’s something we can do in the evaluator but not something that you can do in a template because the template is only performing a sort of textual manipulation and knows nothing about the context of the source code it is manipulating.
Further, there becomes a separation of the capture of the continuation
– which we determine based on the context in which the call to a
function is made, tail or non-tail call – and the (probable) use of
that continuation – as we assume the body of the code might call
1define (foo x) {
2 if (x lt 0) {
3 return 0
4 } {
5 foo (x - 1)
6 }
9foo 10
Here, the non-tail call to foo
on line 9 should establish the
return continuation – albeit the value returned is going to be
discarded by the looks of things.
The tail call to foo
on line 5 should merely (re-)invoke the body
of foo
without changing the stack.
The call to return
on line 3 needs to be able to access the return
continuation which, given that it hasn’t been passed it as a lexical
variable means it must be found dynamically. The return continuation
must go on the stack (and be cleared off the stack in due course).
Here’s another tricky problem. If we get the evaluator to do something for us, how does it interact with user-level code? I mean that in the sense of the C evaluator (noting there is an Idio variant of the evaluator but it is easier to distinguish if one flow of control is in C and the other is user-level Idio code) interacting with user-level code.
Wait, should the evaluator be interacting with user-level code? Well, maybe. And what do I mean by interacting?
Many reference implementations of features like dynamic-wind
its derivative, unwind-protect
) are implemented in user code,
ie. in Idio. Ostensibly the code maintains a list of things
to do as you unwind the stack (cleanup operations being the obvious
cases) and the nominal language features, say, call/cc
, are
rewritten to call the various unwinding code chunks before invoking,
in this case, their nominal jump.
It’s a little bit twisty-turney but very neatly done. But the twisting is in user-land and the evaluator isn’t. More importantly, the evaluator isn’t running in sync with the code, it is examining the code in advance of anything being run in order that it can generate byte code which will eventually be run by the VM.
In that sense, the evaluator is more like the C compiler being run to generate a binary executable except that the evaluator can be aware of the code in the “executable” (byte code) it is generating. You could imagine a C compiler that doesn’t generate a separate executable but rather accumulates all the object code it generates so is aware of previously generated functions. That’s more where we are with the evaluator.
If we were being clever and wrote the original twisty Idio code using private variables, say, with global interfaces then we have a very tricky problem in that the evaluator won’t have a reference to any of those private variables.
We can have the evaluator rewrite the source code using the global interfaces and re-evaluate it with all the caveats and complications that we trip over as seen with return, above.
We could re-write all of the user-land code in C and have the evaluator generate byte code that invokes the C equivalent functions. We’d also have to make all of that C code available as primitives in Idio in order that any subsequent (user-level) language features can also take advantage of, in this case, the unwinding effect.
Having written everything in C we can only expose it all as globally visible variables and/or primitives – arguably no worse than an Idio implementation although there’s something nagging at me that it is worse.
Special Forms¶
The basics of any special form are that they cannot be wrappered because they are not functions they are more like the phenomena of your language, they simply are.
Many rewriting tricks involve wrapping a given function in a new version of it that does a little bit more calling the original function. A simple enter/leave wrapper might look like:
define (foo x) {
x + 1
foo = {
orig-foo := foo
function (x) {
printf "enter: foo %s\n" x
r := orig-foo x
printf "leave: foo %s => %s\n" x r
Someone can further rewrite foo
to perform some other function,
say, creating a database record of calls to foo
or somesuch.
Which will annoy them intensely if they’re stuck with your rubbish debugging!
Interestingly, this second rewrite cannot access the original foo
as it is no longer referenceable. The existing symbol foo
associated with the first rewrite function which internally has a
reference to the original foo
but otherwise the original is “lost”
to future users.
However, special forms are not functions, they cannot be captured in the same way:
orig-if := if
does not capture the special form if
, instead orig-if
is the
symbol if
. if
, the special form, does not exist as a
referencable thing, it is simply evaluated when the evaluator sees it
in functional position. In this case, if
is a standalone word and
will be dereferenced like any other variable. In this case, I’m
presuming no-one has defined if
as anything and therefore we’ll
get the default result of the failure to lookup a variable which is
the variable’s name.
Last built at 2025-03-12T07:10:50Z+0000 from 463152b (dev)