.. include:: ../global.rst RFC 6234 ^^^^^^^^ RFC6234_ describes US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) which might be more familiar as SHA256 and the like. RFC 6234 Constants """""""""""""""""" The SHA algorithms are selected using one of the following symbols: ``SHA1``, ``SHA224``, ``SHA256``, ``SHA384`` and ``SHA512``. RFC 6234 Functions """""""""""""""""" .. _`shasum-file`: .. idio:function:: shasum-file file [alg] shasum the contents of `file` :param file: file :type file: pathname or string :param alg: SHA algorithm, defaults to ``'SHA256`` :type alg: symbol, optional :return: digest :rtype: string .. _`shasum-fd`: .. idio:function:: shasum-fd fd [alg] shasum the contents from `fd` :param fd: fd :type fd: file descriptor :param alg: SHA algorithm, defaults to ``'SHA256`` :type alg: symbol, optional :return: digest :rtype: string .. _`shasum-string`: .. idio:function:: shasum-string s [alg] shasum the string `s` :param s: string :type s: string :param alg: SHA algorithm, defaults to ``'SHA256`` :type alg: symbol, optional :return: digest :rtype: string .. include:: ../commit.rst