.. include:: ../global.rst .. idio:currentmodule:: C C Functions ----------- .. attention:: All of the :lname:`C` functions will only operate on arguments of **the same** :ref:`C base types ` (or typedefs thereof). You cannot mix :lname:`C` data types in an expression. The :lname:`C`-variant primitives for ``+``, ``-``, ``*`` and ``/`` are called from the binary arithmetic primitives :ref:`binary-+ `, :ref:`binary-- `, :ref:`binary-* ` and :ref:`binary-/ `. They are not primitives exported from the ``C`` module. .. _`C/<`: .. idio:function:: C/< n1 n2 in C, :samp:`{n1} < {n2}` :param n1: number :type n1: C/ type :param n2: number :type n2: C/ type `n1` and `n2` must be the same C type. .. _`C/<=`: .. idio:function:: C/<= n1 n2 in C, :samp:`{n1} <= {n2}` :param n1: number :type n1: C/ type :param n2: number :type n2: C/ type `n1` and `n2` must be the same C type. .. _`C/==`: .. idio:function:: C/== n1 n2 in C, :samp:`{n1} == {n2}` :param n1: number :type n1: C/ type :param n2: number :type n2: C/ type `n1` and `n2` must be the same C type. .. _`C/!=`: .. idio:function:: C/!= n1 n2 in C, :samp:`{n1} != {n2}` :param n1: number :type n1: C/ type :param n2: number :type n2: C/ type `n1` and `n2` must be the same C type. .. _`C/>=`: .. idio:function:: C/>= n1 n2 in C, :samp:`{n1} >= {n2}` :param n1: number :type n1: C/ type :param n2: number :type n2: C/ type `n1` and `n2` must be the same C type. .. _`C/>`: .. idio:function:: C/> n1 n2 in C, :samp:`{n1} > {n2}` :param n1: number :type n1: C/ type :param n2: number :type n2: C/ type `n1` and `n2` must be the same C type. .. _`C/&`: .. idio:function:: C/& v1 [...] perform a C bitwise-AND on `v1` etc. :param v1: C integer :type v1: C/int :return: C integer :rtype: C/int .. _`C/|`: .. idio:function:: C/| v1 [...] perform a C bitwise-OR on `v1` etc. :param v1: C integer :type v1: C/int :return: C integer :rtype: C/int .. _`C/^`: .. idio:function:: C/^ v1 [...] perform a C bitwise-XOR on `v1` etc. :param v1: C integer :type v1: C/int :return: C integer :rtype: C/int .. _`C/~`: .. idio:function:: C/~ v1 perform a C bitwise-complement on `v1` :param v1: C integer :type v1: C/int :return: C integer :rtype: C/int .. include:: ../commit.rst